There is no difference from poison! It increases the risk of heart attack at an early age! ‘No one should use’ warning

The drink that endangers childrens lives It poses serious health

Experts warn against energy drinks, which have increased popularity among young people in recent years. Exp. Cardiology Department. Dr. Mahdi Onaç spoke of the negative effects of energy drinks. Exp. Dr. Mehdi Onaç, due to the high amount of caffeine of energy drinks in young people heart attack He pointed out that it increases the risk. Speaking about the cardiovascular, general and neurological effects of energy drinks. Dr. Onaç, kidney liver failure, panic attacks and depression caused psychological disorders such as, he said.

“It can cause fatal rhythm disorders”

Giving information about the effects of energy drinks, Cardiology Specialist. Mehdi Onaç, “Energy beverages have increased in use among young people in recent days. Energy beverage has cardiovascular, general and neurological effects. Especially in cardiovascular effects, increasing heart rate due to the ratio of high caffeine, increasing the risk of blood pressure and arrhythmia at the same time. The situation may cause the amount of caffeine that can be caused by the ratio of caffeine in the case of frequent use in young people. These can cause early heart deaths on the cardiovascular system at the age of older.

“You can lead to anxiety, anger tits and panic attacks in young people”

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Stating that energy drinks cause psychological disorders in young people, Uzm. Dr. Onaç, “Our young people to stay more vigilant energy drink they consume. Energy drink serves as a stimulating substance at a point. This stimulating substance may cause insomnia by reducing sleep hormone, which we call melatonin. Especially in young people, anxiety can lead to anger attacks and panic attacks. When the energy drink is drunk, the feeling of thirst decreases. It also arouses the impression that the body doesn’t need water. It may cause liver failure as it causes renal failure and high cholesterol in older ages. Caffeine, energy drink and alcohol combination can drag patients hepatitis. It is necessary to stay away from energy drinks as much as possible. Hepatitis, we can describe as liver failure, “he said.

When the energy drinks are excessively consumed and when they become addicted, Uzm pointed out that it is like a ‘poison’. Dr. Mehdi Onaç, “Actually, energy drink is completely a poison. We do not want anyone to use it, but we described as red spots, the cardiovascular system that we describe, that is, we do not want the patients who are diagnosed with STENT, story of heart failure and rhythm disorder. We do not want our patients with psychological disorders such as liver failure and depression. Including premature birth, it can increase other risks, “he said.

“Energy can be taken naturally”

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Speaking about the purchase of energy naturally, Uzm. Dr. Onaç, “The way of our youth is not energetic, it is not the energy drinking. In fact, they can provide natural ways. Regular physical exercise, I recommend our patients a minimum of 150 minutes of medium-paced running. In the studies, this kind of exercise is the most important method of consumption of caffeine.

“It increases the risk of heart attack in young people”

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Uzm noted that energy drinks increase the risk of heart attacks in young people. Dr. Mehdi Onaç, “Recently, the risk of heart attacks in our young population has increased. The majority of patients who apply to us are consumed by an energy drink, the use of stimulants. We do not expect many possibility of heart attacks in young people, but energy drinks and stimulating substances increase risk. If there is a genetic factor in the family, cigarettes If you use it and we do not want to avoid the energy of these patients.

