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After the video of an influencer extolling the merits of capsules to tighten the vagina to avoid couple problems, we take stock of this video with multiple false, dangerous messages that wrongly make young mothers feel guilty.
Social networks are often the lever for many brands that take advantage of the popularity of certain influencers to make themselves known. This is called product placement. The problem is that these are often products that pose health risks and also convey morally questionable and unhealthy messages.
After Maeva Ghennam’s controversial remarks extolling the benefits of cosmetic surgery to “rejuvenate her vagina”, another reality TV candidate is now under the whistle for having promoted “intimate tightening capsules”.
In the video, the young woman recounts having received testimonies from many friends who, after giving birth, complain of having problems with their companions in bed because their vagina has become too large, even insinuating that this is the reason. for which, said partner, deceived them. The reality TV candidate therefore announces “don’t be confused anymore” before advising the use of small capsules, which she has not only not tested herself, since she has never had children, but of which we know absolutely nothing.
The idea is not to overwhelm the young woman who has also published an apology video in which she explains that she chose her words badly (but not to have advertised a false product), but to alert women who may think that the change in sexuality with age or after childbirth is their fault.
A woman’s body changes during pregnancy and that’s normal.
Julie Perlier, gynecologist whom we interviewed for the occasion, said she was shocked by such remarks. “I was flabbergasted first as a gynecologist and healthcare professional to hear such errors, but also as a woman”, she told us on the phone between two interventions. She’s not the only one either. Thousands of Internet users have protested against this injunction which makes no sense, like Tristan Lopin, also an influencer on Tik Tok who took over the video by challenging the young woman responsible for the controversy. “Excuse me, actually, for two minutes I thought you were going to use your popularity to play it down and get women to accept the fact that their bodies are changing.”he says ironically.
Regarding the subject of vaginal enlargement, Dr. Perlier, qualified to speak on the subject, explains to us that “Because of the hormonal impregnation during pregnancy, the body is necessarily transformed. It is preparing for vaginal delivery. The weight gained during pregnancy weighs on the perineum, since the latter is somewhat the floor of the our body at this time of life, it receives the extra weight of the baby.”
It is completely normal that the perineum (set of muscles which form the lower wall of the genital, digestive and urinary tracts) has suffered, it may be less toned than before. It is this relaxation that we are talking about and not a wider vagina. “We are no longer the same after a vaginal delivery, it is much less noticeable with a cesarean section, even if the physiological transformation also takes place because of the hormonal impregnation and the weight gained during pregnancy”.
Follow your pregnancy week by week
There is no capsule that can tighten a vagina
And for this loss of tone, there is a solution, which is absolutely not in the form of a product or a capsule, it is pernial rehabilitation by a physiotherapist or a midwife. “The perineum is a muscle, it can be rehabilitated if necessary with exercises with a physiotherapist or a midwife to re-muscle this floor. It is necessary to allow time to eliminate the hormonal impregnation. “
“No molecule has demonstrated its effectiveness for perineal rehabilitation”assures the doctor. “We say 9 months to do, 9 months to undo, she adds, the perineum we recover it more or less, but it is part of the evolution of the woman’s body just like the stretch marks and the chest which also changes. It’s all part of the story of a woman’s life.”
All women do not need to rehabilitate the perineum after childbirth. For this, the gynecologist has the patient take a test in order to judge the risk of leakage from a urinary point of view, he/she also assesses the risk of prolapse. “There are women who don’t even need rehabilitation and that doesn’t mean they have a gaping hole instead of a vagina,” assures the gynecologist.
“It is anatomical and sexual ignorance to think that pleasure passes through a narrow vagina”
The main problem of a less toned perineum after childbirth is above all to prevent urinary incontinence or organ descent. “Some women describe a lack of sexual sensations after childbirthadmits Dr. Julie Perlier, but it’s not the majority at all and with rehabilitation it works.”
“It is anatomical and sexual ignorance to think that pleasure passes through a narrow vagina”takes offense at our interlocutor before adding, “first because the pleasure is not limited to a penis in a vagina, then because this kind of message only reduces the woman to a vagina. We cannot let such things convey.”
Dr. Julie Perlier admits that changes in sensations do exist “but there are plenty of other reasons that lead to a change in sexuality after childbirth.”
Sexuality after childbirth: a question of communication
This question of the change of sexuality, Charline, a midwife who informs in a benevolent, educational and playful way on social networks, also wanted to address it by reacting to the controversy. “Keep communication between you”she encourages couples of young parents. “It is sometimes in changes that we discover new things and new pleasures”.
Decentralize the sexuality of penetration, it’s an opportunity to get new sensations, to take the time to dwell on other parts of the body for one. as for the other.
The young woman plays down the subject of perineum relaxation in turn and explains that this feeling sometimes exists, but that it can reappear over time and that you should not hesitate to talk about it with a physiotherapist or a midwife. woman. Sometimes even after the sessions, “Some people say they have more sensations simply because it allows them to discover this area and therefore to become master of the place. And to feel things better.”
Infidelity: the problem is not your vagina!
If the problem of sexuality persists and you feel that it impacts you morally, physically and especially that it weighs on your couple, go see a sexologist. He will direct you to work to find the cause of the problem, which is probably far from what you imagine.
The problem in the message conveyed by the reality TV candidate is that we have the impression that if the couple’s sexuality is at half mast and that a man goes elsewhere after giving birth, it is because of the too wide vagina of his partner.
“VSIt would be too restrictive to limit this to vaginal muscle function, emphasizes Dr. Julie Perlier. We have to take care of the child, we have less time for ourselves, we are tired.
As Charline, a midwife, says: “If you are afraid that your partner is cheating on you, the urgency is not to tighten your vagina, it is to have a good discussion. “