There is a new sign of life from Alita Battle Angel 2

There is a new sign of life from Alita Battle

Persistence pays off. That certainly applies to Alita: Battle Angel, for which sci-fi fans have been demanding a sequel for a long time. After producer James Cameron (Avatar) promised several sequels, the franchise became quiet again. Now his companion and producer Jon Landau (Titanic) is giving the community hope again.

Sci-Fi highlight Alita: Battle Angel will definitely be continued

Landau explained to Screen Rant:

I am very proud of the film. It was on HBO one night, James [Cameron] saw him and called me afterwards. He said, “Jon, Alita just came out. It’s a good movie.” And I think so too. I definitely want to do more with this world.

Check out the trailer for Alita: Battle Angel here:

Alita: Battle Angel – Trailer 3 (German) HD

A few months ago, James Cameron delighted sci-fi fans with the prospect of several Alita sequels. The fact that Cameron and Landau have two Hollywood veterans behind the franchise gives us great hope. Since its theatrical release in 2019, the film has gained a loyal fan base, but is due to poor box office results probably hard to sell as a cornerstone of a franchise.

Alita: Battle Angel revolves around the cyborg Alita (Rosa Salazar), who lives in a dystopian future wants to discover the secret of her own origins. When she’s not stirring up her city’s underworld as a bounty hunter. The story of part 1 ended with a cliffhanger.

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