There is a legal technique to enjoy Microsoft Office for free, but beware of these traps

There is a legal technique to enjoy Microsoft Office for

A brand new formula has just been launched by Microsoft. No more losing your money to access Word, Excel or PowerPoint, since a free offer has been deployed.

Launched in all discretion, Microsoft’s new offer has not gone unnoticed. The American firm has indeed secretly deployed a brand new, free, automatic version. It is therefore possible to navigate Word, Excel or PowerPoint without spending a single penny. No more subscription to Microsoft 365 to 100 euros per year, thanks to this unexpected little gift.

Since the end of February, Microsoft has indeed set up an offer to say the least. By putting an end to the need to have a subscription or a license key to access its applications, the American firm marks a large turning point. Perhaps it is a response to the complaints of its users, who judged the packages unaffordable.

Users have been able to note in recent days that a completely free of office was now available. A novelty could not be more welcome, but which however hides some blackheads. If you want to get your hands on this new offer, you will have to accept some concessions …


Despite the attractiveness of the offer, some disappointments are indeed there. Note for example the limited number of options on the various applications of Microsoft 365. It will be impossible for example to use the vocal dictation in Word, to add animations in PowerPoint or to take advantage of the dynamic cross paintings in Excel. No more macros, smartarts and advanced customization options.

Second black point in the free microsoft offer: advertisements. A permanent banner on the right side of your screen will display various products, and this in a non-stop way. A short 15 -second video will even be broadcast over the hours, enough to deconcentrate when you work on a project.

Microsoft also prevents you from accessing your files if you have no internet access. In fact, with the free offer, your documents are systematically registered on OneDrive and not locally. A constraint which can quickly prove problematic when you are on the move, and which indirectly encourages users to turn to a Microsoft 365 subscription.

Not all users of office do not necessarily have access to the free version offered by Microsoft. While some will be able to press the “Continue” button, others will be forced to stay on the home page. A representative of the American firm assured that it was only “limited tests” and that a global launch was not planned. If success is there, it is however possible that a reverse scenario will occur.
