There is a 4.5 hour version of Ridley Scott’s Napoleon and we may actually get to see it

There is a 45 hour version of Ridley Scotts Napoleon

With Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven, Ridley Scott has the in the first half of the 2000s historically inspired monumental film revived in cinemas. Almost two decades later, he returns to the big screen with another work of epochal proportions: Napoleon starring Joaquin Phoenix.

It has been known for some time that the film with a considerable running length attends. Napoleon should walk around 160 minutes when he comes to the cinema in November. One of the reasons for this: Scott shows six (!) big battles. As it turns out, there is a much longer version of the film.

Ridley Scott’s Napoleon could become a 4.5 hour war film with 6 battles in the Director’s Cut

Scott revealed to Empire (via World of Reel) that he created a version of Napoleon in the editing room that comes to almost 4.5 hours and by himself as “fantastic” is circumscribed. This cut includes, among other things, more scenes dealing with the life of Empress Joséphine (Vanessa Kirby).

You can watch the trailer for Napoleon here:

Napoleon – Trailer (German) HD

It is unclear whether the longer Napoleon version will ever be published. With a look at Scott’s work, however, we can certainly hope. Scott has released several director’s cuts throughout his career. The best example is Kingdom of Heaven, which is repeated in the later version a whole lot better is.

Napoleon also has an advantage: the film was financed by the Apple TV+ streaming service and is coming to cinemas in cooperation with Sony. It is conceivable that Apple TV+ will decide to additionally publish the 4.5 hour cut of Napoleon on its streaming platform, maybe even as a series.

Monumental war film: when does Napoleon start in cinemas?

Napoleon starts on November 22, 2023 in German cinemas. There is currently no specific date for the start of streaming on Apple TV+.

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