“There has never been anything like this in WoW”

The Dracthyr Callers actually get a third specialization. And that’s something completely new that you haven’t seen in World of Warcraft.

There has been speculation about this for several months because there were first indications of a “third specialization” for the Caller class in World of Warcraft. Now Blizzard is just getting down to business and officially announcing the “Enhancement” specialization for the 10.1.5 patch.

What is this specialization? The new “Augmentation” specialization is primarily a DPS specialization that harnesses the powers of the bronze and black dragonflight.

The special twist, however, is that the Rufer’s performance only partly comes from his own damage. Because a large number of his abilities strengthen allies and grant them, for example, massive buffs to their primary values, so that the damage done (or the healing done) increases drastically.

Blizzard even wants to adjust some details in the combat log so that addons like damage meter can better filter which “bonus damage” was caused by the reinforcement caller in the group.

What abilities does the Reinforcement Caller have? Blizzard has already presented some example skills in the official blog post:

  • black power: 1.5 second cast time, 30 second cooldown. Increases the primary stat of your 4 closest allies by a percentage of your own primary stat and causes your Eruption to deal more damage for 10 seconds. Some of your other spells increase the duration of these effects.
  • Eruption: 2 second cast time, costs 3 essence, and replaces Disintegrate. Causes a violent eruption under an enemy’s feet, dealing volcanic damage split evenly between them and nearby enemies. Increases the duration of your active Black Power effects.
  • belching: 2.5 second cast time, empowerment spell, 40 second cooldown. Gathering earthen power from beneath your opponent’s feet, knocking them up, dealing volcanic damage to the target and nearby enemies. Empowerment increases the area of ​​effect. Increases the duration of your active Black Power effects.
  • Breath of the Aeons: 1.5 minute cooldown and replaces Deep Breath. Fly to the target location and apply Temporal Wounds to all enemies in your path for 10 seconds. Temporal Wounds gathers a portion of the damage dealt by your allies, then at the end of its duration, critically strikes the enemy for that amount of damage. Increases the duration of your active Black Power effects.
  • The Reinforcement Caller talent tree is almost complete.

    The talents of the amplifier caller are similar. Some examples are buffs for the group, which should shine especially in “Mythic +” or in raids.

  • Draconic Attunement (Passive): Learn to attune to the essence of the black or bronze dragonflight:
  • Black Attunement increases your maximum health and that of your 4 closest allies.
  • Bronze Attunement increases your movement speed and that of your 4 closest allies.
  • Give away Weyrnstein: Summons two Wayrnstones, one for your friendly target and one for yourself. A Wayrnstone can be activated by its wielder to teleport to the location of the other Wayrnstone when it is within 100 yards.
  • If you’re looking to test out the Reinforcement Caller, be sure to head over to the Patch 10.1.5 PTR soon – the new specialization is available there for anyone interested to try out.

    Do you have to unlock the specialization? No. It does not require a pre-quest for the specialization, but all summoners can access it immediately.

    When is the specialization coming? With the launch of patch 10.1.5. However, the patch does not yet have an official release date. However, if Blizzard sticks to the current patch strategy, the release should probably be between the end of June and the beginning of July. As soon as there is an official date, we will of course report about it.

    What do you think of this third specialization? An ingenious thing coming for Rufer? Or is that wasted potential and something else would have been better?
