There are versions of the secret star of the new Marvel blockbuster

There are versions of the secret star of the new

Carol Danvers, Kamala Kahn and Monica Rambeau in one film! The Marvels has no shortage of well-known female superheroes. With all the big names, one small figure shouldn’t be forgotten: Goose. In 2019, the cat made its debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Captain Marvel. Now she’s back.

As it turned out, Goose is no ordinary cat. In reality we are dealing with an alien that… Species of Flerks heard. Flerks look like cats, but can swallow whole people with their monster tentacles. And Goose does this several times in The Marvels.

The secret star of The Marvels: Goose needed to be recast and here’s why

Goose is the secret star of the film. What few people know, however, is that we actually don’t see the same cat as in Captain Marvel. Goose has been recast and is now played by two different film animals played. Tango and Nemo now take Reggie’s place to bring Goose to life in front of the camera.


The cute but also very hungry Flerken Goose in The Marvels

Why was the recasting necessary? In an interview with Moviepilot, director Nia DaCosta revealed to us that Change of production location was the decisive reason for the new line-up of Goose. The first Captain Marvel was filmed in the USA. The Marvels moved production to the UK.

You can’t easily travel internationally with cats all the time, that is logistically very difficult. So we found two new cats to portray Goose in the film. They’re called Tango and Nemo and they’re wonderful! Goose in The Marvels: In addition to the cats Tango and Nemo, digital doubles are also used

Tango and Nemo were found and trained by Jo Vaughan, who was responsible for the use and welfare of the animals at The Marvels. At more elaborate action scenes However, DaCosta had to resort to digital doubles.

In many scenes in which Goose appears, he devours entire people with his tentacles. Since cats can’t do that in our world yet, we often had to go up use digital doubles. In the finished film you see a mixture of the real animals and their digital counterparts.

What also complicated the shoot: Brie Larson has a cat allergy. When filming The Marvels, it was a particular challenge in the scenes with Goose. The solution: Instead of Larson, a double is used who wears a green suit so that Larson can be inserted digitally later.

The Marvels has been running ever since November 8, 2023 in German cinemas.

The Marvels on the FILMSTARTS podcast

Our colleagues from FILMSTARTS have looked at the 33rd MCU film for the new edition of their podcast Canvas Love and are discussing not only what the film does better than its predecessor Captain Marvel, but also what big changes its end could herald in the MCU .

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