“There are those who do not go to the doctor until the decay occurs”

There are those who do not go to the doctor

Experts warn that the incidence of breast cancer, which is one of the most common cancer types in women, has decreased. General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ebru Şen drew attention to the necessity of self-examination by women against breast cancer, and stated that the biology of cancer is determinant on life expectancy.


Drawing attention to the importance of follow-up against breast cancer, General Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ebru Şen said, “We have patients who do not go to the doctor until their breast rot occurs. Early diagnosis is very important, we have many late patients. The biology of breast cancer is important, even if we detect it early, the tumor type determines the life expectancy. We are more likely to see slightly more aggressive tumor types in young people. Self-examination should be done,” he said.


Making suggestions about what women should do against the threat of breast cancer, Assoc. Dr. Şen said: “He needs to learn the normal chest structure once, he should know that he can feel something different pathological. Self-examination is very important, this should be done, doctor checks can be done every 3 years at young ages. The biology of breast cancer is very important, there are patients who go bad despite early diagnosis. Unfortunately, we are more likely to see slightly more aggressive tumor types in young people. Even if we diagnose it early, the tumor type determines the life expectancy and the future. Cancer is the most common cause of death in women, and is still the primary cause of death.


It is very important that our women are more conscious, we can diagnose them earlier. Especially after the age of 40, we can extend life expectancy with early diagnosis thanks to regular mammographic screenings. We’ve definitely progressed compared to the past, but the Covid period has affected a little. Indeed, during the Covid period, we had patients who could not come to the hospital for certain reasons. We saw a lot of advanced diseases again. Let’s hope we don’t see it anymore.”
