There are people who eat half of them in one sitting… Watermelon warning from experts

There are people who eat half of them in one

Nutrition and Diet Specialist Rabia Özaslan, who stated that ice creams, especially summer fruits, are consumed during the summer period, said, “Nutrition begins to show diversity and difference in summer as in every season. We can gain weight if we do not pay attention to the amount of fruit and ice cream that are consumed frequently because they are refreshing and sweet. As a result of unbalanced nutrition, we can disrupt the body balance,” he said.


Noting that ice cream and fruits are the first foods that come to mind to cool off in the summer months, Dietician Özaslan said, “Ice cream is among the most consumed foods, but let’s not forget that it is ultimately a dessert. Ice cream should be preferred in a cone or on a plate rather than the products included in the package. Let’s consume open ice creams, but ice cream is among the foods that are easily perishable or that can spread infection easily because it is a dairy product. So let’s be careful where we take it,” he said. Dietician Özaslan stated that ice cream comes first among the desserts to be preferred in summer days and said, “Ice cream is a calcium-rich food because it is a dairy product. However, it is not suitable for frequent consumption because it has a sweet feature. That’s why you can consume ice cream once or twice a week without exaggerating.”



Özaslan also mentioned the summer fruits and said:

“The summer month is starting to show itself with watermelon and melon. Watermelon and melon are among the most consumed foods. These are foods with high sugar content. At the same time, it is among the advantageous fruits because of its high water content. If we specify the watermelon as a portion, it is in the shape of a triangle. ”



Emphasizing the benefit of consuming 3 colorful portions of fruit during the day, Dietitian Özaslan said, “We need to consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Consuming them in a variety of ways affects our health positively. Let’s try to consume a total of 3 portions of colorful fruit during the day. Let’s diversify the vegetables in the same way and sprinkle them between. We should consume fruits in a balanced way by paying attention to the portion size of the fruits and avoiding eating one type of fruit.


‘Drink up to 3 liters of water a day’

Özaslan, who suggested drinking plenty of water during the summer period, said:

“You should definitely drink up to 3 liters of water a day. There are those who say ‘I don’t like water’ in the summer months. There are those who meet their water needs with acidic drinks and fruit juices. However, this is wrong. No drink can replace water. “One bottle of mineral water obtained from natural sources can be drunk. Plain water can be made more enjoyable to drink by flavoring it with cucumber, apple peels and lemon peels. However, it is necessary to consume 3 liters of water a day, whether plain or flavored with fruit and various herbs.”

Dietitian Özaslan underlined the importance of eating 3 meals a day and made the following recommendations:

“Three meals should be fed. In between, we should especially sprinkle dried fruits. A dairy product must be included in one of our meals. A portion of vegetables and fruits, meat, chicken, fish and a protein product called legumes should be included.
