Since the Disney+ streaming service launched in 2019, it has been the home of MCU films, meaning the films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe that have been telling a coherent story since 2008. Basically has Disney+ a completeness claim to “his” MCU. That’s why series like Loki appear exclusively on the platform.
But there were and still are big MCU gaps at Disney+. That will change and tomorrow the streaming service will take a big step towards completeness.
Starting tomorrow at Disney +: One of the most important missing MCU films
Tom Holland has so far swung his way through New York and the whole world in 3 adventures as Spider-Man. But you may have noticed that none of his three solo films are available on Disney+. And that despite the fact that Tom Holland’s Peter Parker is one of the most important MCU characters of the present. This is due to the legal situation. Marvel and Disney only “borrow” Spider-Man from Sony, which holds the rights to the character.
For the same reason, the Spider-Man blockbusters Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) and Far From Home (2019) were recently seen exclusively on the competition of Netflix, for example – where otherwise hardly any MCU films can be found. Starting tomorrow, however, that’s changing: Spider-Man: Homecoming is available for the first time on Disney+*.
This means that only 3 MCU films are missing from Disney +
It is not known when the films will come to Disney+. But apparently the company is tightening the reins to go to absolute Marvel center of the streaming world to become.
She-Hulk: The Lawyer – S01 Trailer (German) HD
Because next Homecoming are starting tomorrow 4 more Spider-Man films at Disney+ available produced by Sony:
On the way to 100 percent Marvel completeness
In the recent past, a number of Marvel productions that have distant points of contact with the MCU have also flowed to Disney +.
The 6 Marvel series from Netflix:
And 3 Sony Marvel productionswhich have been something of MCU canon since the multiverse movie No Way Home:
So Disney+ is getting closer and closer to the 100 percent mark, but still has a lot of work to do.
Ms. Marvel Podcast: A young heroine revolutionizes the MCU at Disney+
With the new MCU series Ms. Marvel, Disney+ wants to revolutionize its superheroes. Because the 16-year-old Kamala Khan is not only Marvel’s first Muslim heroine, but also a genuine fan girl with her own coming-of-age story. We took a closer look at this in the series check of the first 2 episodes.
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