“there are no new games in development”, Sucker Punc

there are no new games in development Sucker Punc

For several months, rumors around a return of inFAMOUS and Sly Cooper licenses have multiplied. Insiders, trusted by the world press, led us to believe that yes, new episodes of inFAMOUS and Sly Raccoon were in development. Better, people such as AccountNGT (his Twitter account has since been closed) explained to us that studios outside Sucker Punch had been commissioned to manage these new episodes. If Sucker Punch has always been silent in the face of these hallway noises, the American studio decided to speak in order to firmly deny these rumors from elsewhere.

Because our games continue to grow in size and complexity, they require our studio’s full attention. Since we are focused on our new projects, we have no plans to revisit InFAMOUS and Sly Cooper at this time, and no other studios are involved in the development of these games related to these licenses either. These characters are very important to us and hold a special place in our hearts. So while we may never say a return of these licenses one day maybe, today there are no InFAMOUS and Sly Cooper games in development.

The message is clear and limpid and if Sucker Punch decided to communicate on it, it is undoubtedly to stop these false noises of corridor which can generate negative in the event of disappointment. It is therefore better to deny it while there is still time, especially since the studio must be in full production for the sequel to Ghost of Tsushima, which is not yet official, but the studio has multiplied job offers linked to a open world game in a feudal japan. There, for once, it’s far from being an exploded info from a Twitter insider…

Sucker Punch
