“There are more important things than the F1 race” – EPN’s expert tells how rare the cancellation of a formula race is

There are more important things than the F1 race

According to Jukka Mildh, there will probably not be time to run the Imola F1 race later this season. The F1 circus heads to Monaco next.

The sixth round of the F1 season in Italy’s Imola was canceled due to floods and heavy rains that claimed lives. Urheilu’s F1 expert Jukka Mildh considers the organizers’ decision correct.

– The security risks were certainly also significant outside the F1 race. It is important that all parties understand the seriousness of this and act in solidarity. There are much more important things than the F1 race, says Mildh.

The last F1 race that was canceled for reasons other than the corona or the Russian war of aggression is the Bahrain GP from 2011, which was left unrun due to the Arab Spring unrest.

Even a missile strike near the track at last year’s Saudi Arabian GP did not affect the completion of the race.

Read more: There was a missile strike near the F1 track in Saudi Arabia while the cars were on the track – the race weekend will still continue as normal

– Yes, this is a very rare situation if you look at long-term formula one drivers. Very rarely and with a very high threshold, these games are cancelled. Really big things have to happen for the F1 race to be cancelled.

Next to the Imola track is the Santerno river, which is feared to flood violently with heavy rains. Mildh describes Imola as an old-fashioned motor track with a rather cramped area.

– It’s difficult to manage when dealing with water and flood waters on any motor track. It is not possible to remove all the water quickly enough. If the river floods, then we are dealing with such great forces of nature that it is quite difficult to pump and sweep the water away.

According to Mildh, the inflow of water could also extend the race weekend and affect television coverage and the audience.

Towards Monaco

The canceled race will incur expenses for the stables. Preparation, adjustments and simulation runs have been made for Imola and the teams have already brought their equipment to the place.

– As for the stables, the expenses have already gone, and they cannot be recovered. The logistics have already started, including the upgrade parts for the cars designed for this race. You can’t say that you have to throw them in the trash, but everything may not work in the next race in Monaco.

The Imola race will probably not be run at a later date, because the race calendar is so tight. Mildh believes that part of the organizers’ expenses will be reimbursed.

– There will be quite a lot of financial pressure on the organizers. Insurance compensates for something and I believe that somehow the losses of the organizer and promoter can be compensated, but probably not in full.

According to Mildh, Alfa Romeo Valtteri Bottas could have done better on the Imola circuit in the early season.

– Bottas’ Alfa Romeo had received new upgrade parts, and he has had a great time at Imola in recent years. The conditions to succeed could have been good.

– We have to reset the situation and start planning for Monaco, which is a completely different competition.

The F1 circus continues at the Monaco street circuit next weekend.
