There are changes for the Web version of Instagram, which finally has an interface adapted to large screens, taking advantage of the entire display surface to offer simpler and more practical navigation.

There are changes for the Web version of Instagram which

There are changes for the Web version of Instagram, which finally has an interface adapted to large screens, taking advantage of the entire display surface to offer simpler and more practical navigation.

Meta continues to improve Instagram little by little! After having implemented a video selfie system to verify the age of its users – to identify and protect minors – the platform welcomes a new interface for its Web version. Indeed, until now, the computer version was only a bad copy-paste of the smartphone version, while the dimensions of the screens are absolutely not the same. Also, as announced by Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, a new update introduces a refreshed user interface designed for large horizontal screens. “We know a lot of people use the web to multitask and we wanted to make sure Instagram was as great an online experience as possible”he said in a video. “So it’s cleaner, faster and easier to use, and it’s now designed to take advantage of large widescreen displays.” He also took the opportunity to unveil a long-awaited new feature that allows professional accounts to schedule their posts with more precision.

Instagram: a redesigned web interface for large screens

In the old web interface, the Home, Messages, New Post, Explore, and Notifications tabs were located in a horizontal bar at the very top of the screen as simple icons. Now the menu is placed in a sidebar on the left. Each tab is indicated by its name in addition to its icon and access to account settings is no longer placed on the profile picture, but is via a More sub-menu. Stories are always displayed at the top, and the profile and suggestions are on the right. Additionally, the explore page now displays a full grid that spans the entire screen.

© Engadget

The new interface makes Instagram easier to use on the web, which is handy for the iPad, which still doesn’t have the right to its own application – the social network made its debut more than twelve years ago. year. And it looks like that’s not about to change just yet. Adam Moressi repeated there is still little that an iPad application was not on the program because the users were not numerous enough on this medium for it to be a priority. However, as pointed out The Vergethey accounted for 34% of the overall tablet market in 2021. In any case, the new web version is definitely here, and it should arrive gradually for everyone.
