There are also unconscious sports among the causes of inguinal hernia!

It is the fact that a ring-shaped anatomical structure in the inguinal region is congenitally open or the fat tissue around the intestine or intestines protrudes from there as a result of the weakening of that ring or the muscle tissue in that area over time. It manifests itself with swelling and pain in the groin. Regardless of age, the only treatment is surgery.

Advancing age, factors such as pregnancy and obesity that increase intra-abdominal pressure, chronic cough, collagen connective tissue diseases, sudden compulsive movements and smoking can cause inguinal hernia. However, the risk is increased in people with a first-degree relative with an inguinal hernia. In addition, uncontrolled, excessive and heavy sports can also cause inguinal hernia in people who are prone to hernia. For this reason, it is extremely important not to neglect the warm-up movements before doing sports in order to avoid situations that may cause inguinal hernia while doing sports, and to avoid doing heavy and excessive sports in such a way that the limits are pushed.

What are the symptoms of inguinal hernia?

  • Swelling and pain in the groin

  • Swelling that increases with standing, straining, coughing and disappears when lying on the back

  • Only pain in early-stage hernias


It occurs as a result of weakening or tearing of the support layer that prevents the intestines from going out of the abdomen. The weakness of this layer may be due to congenital or compulsive movements (straining, heavy lifting, coughing, compulsive sports).

WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF inguinal hernia?

There are two types of inguinal hernia, direct and indirect. The complaints of the patients are swelling and pain in the groin in both cases. The type of inguinal hernia will only change the surgical technique. The findings are similar.


It is a type of hernia that causes the same complaints as inguinal hernia and occurs mostly in women. Complaints and treatment options are the same as inguinal hernia.


The organ that enters the hernia sac is usually the small intestine. In cases such as walking, coughing, and straining, the small intestine part enters the hernia sac and creates swelling. When lying on the back, it returns to the abdomen and the swelling disappears. However, over time, the small intestine that enters the hernia sac may be compressed here, and in this case, the blood supply of the compressed small intestine may be impaired. This condition is called a stuck (strangulated) inguinal hernia. The medical name for this condition is incarcerated inguinal hernia.

It is not possible to reduce, correct or destroy the inguinal hernia with medication. On the contrary, waiting may cause the hernia to become larger. The only treatment method is surgery, regardless of age. If the intestines or organs that go into the inguinal hernia are stuck in the hernia sac, what we call a strangulated hernia occurs, and situations that go up to intestinal rot, which poses fatal risks, may occur.

