Theory tests are now being introduced for foreign-educated doctors

Theory tests are now being introduced for foreign educated doctors

Updated 11.39 | Published 11.36

Aftonbladet’s investigative program 200 seconds was able to show extensive cheating at several medical schools in Eastern Europe.

Region Skåne is now introducing a theory test to ensure the quality of care.

– If you have to work with life and death and choose to cheat your way into an education, then there is something seriously wrong with the individual from the start, says Caroline Mellberg, BT manager in Region Skåne.

In October, Aftonbladet’s 200 seconds could reveal extensive cheating at several medical schools in Eastern Europe.

Students from four different universities shared strikingly similar stories: Systematic cheating, flawed practice, and an education they felt was not of high enough quality.

After the disclosure, Region Skåne chooses to introduce a theory test for all doctors who apply for a BT service with them (read more about the AT/BT/ST service in the fact box, ed. note) to ensure the quality of the doctors’ knowledge levels.

– You could say we weren’t surprised. We know that it exists, and that it is incredibly difficult with EU legislation, that an ID card is equal everywhere, says Caroline Mellberg, regional BT manager in Region Skåne and overall responsible for the training of doctors in the region.

full screen Genre picture.

The exam is theoretical and covers the basic knowledge that is expected to be achieved during the medical program. A failed result on the test means that the person may not start a BT service with Region Skåne.

Mellberg believes that the region already has a system to catch doctors who are unskilled.

– We make sure it doesn’t go to hell. Those of us who work as supervisors are there all the time and check everything so it is right. But it was thanks to you that we introduced this theory test, she says.

The dilemma: Not for everyone

The exam has already been introduced – out of 90 applicants, the 28 newly qualified doctors with the most merit were allowed to undergo it, and all passed. But this is because Region Skåne can select the “ace”, says Mellberg.

– The cases you highlight are of course extremely serious. But we also meet the stars. The majority are good individuals, she says.

There have been individuals who have repeatedly applied to Region Skåne, where they have seen in connection with the interview that the person is nowhere near the expectations of a certified colleague.

But – those who do not pass the test will still be able to work as licensed doctors, which worries Caroline Mellberg.

– Those who obtained an identification card on improper grounds will not apply to our system where they know there is a control body. Instead, they apply to a staffing company or in other ways. So they are allowed to operate with their ID anyway until something goes to hell.

full screen Genre picture.

FACT doctors, BT doctors and ST doctors: Here’s the difference

From the autumn of 2021, the Swedish medical education changed to fit the system in other EU countries.

The Swedish medical education is being extended from five and a half years to six years, and upon completion of the degree, everyone receives identification, without having to do an AT (Public Service).

Then the new BT system (basic service) was also introduced, as part of the ST service (specialist service). BT is mandatory to then be able to do an ST.

The focus thus shifts from credentialing AT to professional introduction BT.

In the spring of 2027, the first Swedish-educated doctors who will be part of the new system will be examined – but already there are several foreign-educated doctors who do a BT service in Sweden.

Source: Region Västmanland.

Read moreOpen letter to the National Board of Health and Welfare

Now the national BT network, which brings together 40 BT managers and principals of studies in all regions, has sent an open letter to the National Board of Health and Welfare.

full screen Caroline Mellberg is BT manager in Region Skåne. Photo: Press image Region Skåne

They want all regions to appoint external assessors who issue approved basic competence, i.e. BT. That’s because the network worries that newly graduated doctors are turning to rogue operators to get approval elsewhere.

– The problem is that those who cheat will continue to choose the obscure paths. Because it is something that is not good from the beginning. If you have to work with life and death and choose to cheat your way into an education, then there is something seriously wrong with the individual from the start.

Region Skåne has come across a couple of individuals where Caroline Mellberg later found out in detours that they had received signed papers, without having done the basic service at all.

– They have gone to a colleague who is a bit gullible, I don’t know why. They have said that they have the skills and that they have already worked in a country in an emergency, so a paper can be signed.

Aftonbladet has applied to the National Board of Health and Welfare.

FACTS 200 second reveal in a nutshell

200 seconds can show extensive cheating and deficiencies in several international medical education programs in Eastern Europe.

Hundreds of screenshots show how tests and exams are shared between students. According to several reports to Aftonbladet, several universities do not update the tests between test sessions, even though the cheating has been reported by the students.

In addition, several students testify that the internship does not deliver what it promises.

Aftonbladet has tried applying to a university in Poland. We managed to cheat our way into the training.

The students are actually called something else.

Read more FACTS The Vocational Qualifications Directive

Anyone who has medical training in another EU/EEA country and wants to work in Sweden is subject to the EU directive for the recognition of professional qualifications.

This means that if you have a medical license from a member state, you have the right to work as a doctor in Sweden.

You must then have a degree and a practical service equivalent to AT service from one and the same EU country.

Source: The Swedish Medical Association

Read moreFACTS This is how you tip 200 seconds

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