Theodor was deceived by ica meat that was relabeled

Theodor was deceived by ica meat that was relabeled



full screen The top label on the piece of meat shows April 12. Photo: Private

Theodor Bittmer bought Ica meat that was relabelled.

The best before date had been pushed forward eleven days.

– I think it’s done badly, he says.

Theodor Bittmer, 38, was going to cook Easter dinner for his family and went to his usual Ica quantum on Liljeholmen in Stockholm to buy sirloin steak.

– Good meat is a bit of their niche, how they market themselves, he says.

Once home, he discovers that Ica has noticed the meat. The top label shows April 12 as the best before date. When he pulls it off, another date is hidden: April 1, eleven days earlier.

– It wasn’t even professionally done. It annoyed me that they pushed the date forward eleven days.

Theodor says that he would have liked to buy the meat even if the old date still stood.

– Beef usually keeps well. But you don’t do that.

He thinks it’s ugly for Ica to label the meat.

– You have to be honest with the customer, he says.

Theodor has contacted Ica and the local store by email, but has not yet received a reply.


full screen When Theodor then lifts the label – he finds another label, with a different date.

“Got wrong”

Marcus Lindberg is store manager for Ica quantum Liljeholmen and regrets what happened.

“We naturally take this incident very seriously and understand the customer’s reaction,” he writes in an email to Aftonbladet.

He believes that the incident violated their routines and working methods, and that they will investigate what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

“Obviously, we want to do the right thing for ourselves when something goes wrong, and the customer is welcome to contact us in the store for compensation and fresh product guarantee,” writes Marcus Lindberg.
