Now spring is here and many want to start playing in the garden and mowing the grass to a reasonable height. But it can be good to wait for it. Here you will find out when you mow the lawn for the first time after the winter.
After a long winter, everything you want to get started with the spring cleaning in the garden, arrange with beautiful flowers, so seeds and start producing the outdoor furniture again.
But for those who want to produce the lawnmower, it is important to have some ice in the stomach, even if it itches in their fingers. According to We at Villa Is it not good to mow the lawn too fast after winter.
If you wait to mow your grass in the spring, so that they can grow at least five to eight centimeters anyway, it will feel much better.
Then you should water your lawn
It is also important to have the right Timeaing when watering your lawn. There is a certain time of day that is best to water.
According to the gardener Anna Theorin is the best time to water early in the morning, between six and nine o’clock in the morning.
– In the middle of the day, a lot of water evaporates and if you water in the evening it attracts snails, she says to We at Villa.