Then you must call the Swedish Pensions Agency

Then you must call the Swedish Pensions Agency

A new year has begun and that usually means that several changes are implemented that directly or indirectly affect the Swedes’ economy.

2025 was no exception, but instead we could see in front of us how the employment tax deduction was increased, as well as the basic deduction, which makes it easier for a large part of Sweden’s pensioners.

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The Swedish Pensions Authority: Then you must act

On January 24, the Swedish Pensions Agency issued a call to Sweden’s senior citizens, where they were informed that in certain given situations the agency must be contacted and notified.

This applies to those who are recipients of the housing allowance.

The Pensions Authority now states on its website that if you receive it and receive a change in housing costs, a change in income or assets, it is of the utmost importance that you report it to the Pensions Authority. The reason is that you otherwise risk receiving too much or too little housing allowance.

“You need to report most of the changes yourself in order not to miss out on money or be liable for repayment”, they write on their own the website.

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You have to think about that before you get in touch

Furthermore, they explain that you who intend to report changes should think about a couple of things before contacting the authority.

“When you report changes, you need to state exact amounts. Remember that you must declare income before tax. Therefore, it is important to check carefully what the new amount is before you report so that you can provide the correct information”.

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