Everyone knows that you feel good both physically and mentally by moving regularly. But according to one new Danish study is there actually an age when it is no longer as profitable to exercise anymore.
In the study, the researchers investigated aging and how to age optimally and when it is “too late” to start exercising, which also News55 reported on.
The body loses motor neurons
As you get older, the body naturally loses many motor neurons, which are nerve cells that control our movements. These motor neurons are located in the spinal cord and are controlled by cells in the brain when we move.
In order to age optimally, it is required that you have exercised and moved regularly throughout your life, before you start to lose your motor neurons. The study showed that for those who had trained throughout their lives, the muscle cells were able to keep the motor neurons alive longer.
– We found that those who have exercised moderately throughout their lives, people who exercise two or three times a week with different types of exercise, had muscle cells that could keep the motor neurons alive longer, compared to people of the same age who have been inactive throughout life, says Casper SondenbroePhD in muscle physiology and aging at the University of Copenhagen and one of the researchers behind the study, to Berlingske.
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Then it’s too late to start training
Once you lose your neutrons, they never come back. So it is too late to try to train and get your motor neurons back once they are gone.
Søndenbroe believes that the motor neurons begin to disappear after one passes the age of 70, and then they do not return. But it is difficult to set an exact age when the motor neurons start to disappear, as several studies indicate that they start to disappear as early as the age of 60.
– It is important to think about this if you not only want to have a healthy ageing, but perhaps even an optimal ageing, because then it is important to start with physical activity before you have lost too many of the motor neurons, researchers say to Berlingske.
If you exercise and move regularly, it can thus delay the loss of the motor neurons, which means that you age more optimally.
But you shouldn’t wait until you’re old to start exercising, but always move regularly, says Casper Søndenbroe.
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