Then the summer heat is back – here it will be 25 degrees and sunny

Then the summer heat is back here it will

Summer arrived with high pressure and glorious weather in large parts of the country. But recently, the change in weather has been a fact. We have then seen colder winds and heavy rain showers in several places.

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Here it will be rain and debris in the future

The question, however, is whether it can conceivably turn around soon?

News24 have spoken to SMHI’s meteorologist Markus Karlsson to find out just that, and if so, where the sun rises first.

– We continue to see the general weather situation with unstable weather, passing low pressure, areas of rain and showers into the end of the week. So you should be prepared for continued unstable weather conditions that we have had over large parts of the country recently, he says and continues:

– What stands out now is that a low pressure is moving in from the southwest, which means that it will be windy in the far south and along the west coast with strong gusts of wind all weekend.

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Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TTSMHI: Here comes the summer heat

On the other hand, Karlsson gives reasonably pleasing news ahead of the start of next week. Then the sun and slightly higher temperatures can appear.

– At the beginning of next week, a high pressure can find its way in from the south. Then there will be higher temperatures, up to 20-25 degrees, and a little more sun here and there.

The big question is therefore where this will take place. According to Karlsson, it primarily applies to two landscapes.

– As the situation looks right now, it mainly applies to Götaland and Svealand. Further north, showers will be more widespread.

And although it is not the same high summer pressure we experienced at the beginning of the summer, the weather conditions will change to the same again. So although it may take some time.

– The sun may peek out from time to time, but we will not see cloudless days with high summer heat in the near future. But there is a good bit of summer left, so don’t worry, it will be high summer and good weather again, he tells Nyheter24.

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Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

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