Then it will be 15 degrees and sun

Then it will be 15 degrees and sun

Soon, sun and temperatures will be up to 15 degrees – at least in some parts of the country. Then the cold will return.

Sun and heat are waiting for several parts of the country. However, it will be too early to pack the winter jacket for the season.

– After the weekend it looks to be colder weather again, says Kjell Lundmeteorologist at SMHI.

On Thursday and Friday it can get up to 15 degrees hot along the Småland coast. In addition, the forecast points to weak winds and good chances for sun.

– It is the outskirts of a high pressure that comes in from the southwest and it comes in really warm air, says Kjell Lund.

– In southern Sweden it can be ten degrees in many places and in the Stockholm area it can be ten to twelve degrees.

Southern Norrland can also count on milder temperatures.

– You could say that it will be mild in at least southern and central Norrland. Further north it will pass a couple of rainfall areas that can give some snow. At least the Norrland coast will get a lot of plus degrees.

Is it unusual for it to be so hot in early March?

– It happens. Usually it is maybe a little later in March, but it is still the first spring month so it is not very unnecessary.

Towards the weekend it does not seem to be as sunny and at the beginning of next week colder temperatures are expected. In southern Sweden, they can sink to about five degrees. The commuting country in temperature is also not uncommon, according to Kjell Lund.

– That’s it. It’s a game and a struggle, he says.
