Then it is illegal to sunbathe on the balcony – can result in a fine

Then it is illegal to sunbathe on the balcony

Finally, summer is here. When the grass is green, the flowers are blooming and outdoor seating is brought back to life, many people want to take the opportunity to catch a few hours of sun to get a sun kissed burn and get some extra vitamin D.

But if you live in an apartment, you have to be careful with how lightly you sunbathe on the balcony. You can be sentenced to a fine. News24 have talked to INSabelle Puritscommunicator at the housing service Qasa, who investigates the cause.

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Photo: Pexels So lightly dressed you can sunbathe on your balcony

They are especially if you live in the center that you have to think twice about how lightly you want to sunbathe on your balcony. But how casually you can sunbathe depends on several other factors as well, the most important of which is what your neighbors think.

– Use common sense out of consideration for the neighbours, how lightly you can sunbathe depends on how much visibility you have, it is not certain that the neighbors will appreciate it even if you do, says Purits to Nyheter24.

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The penalty if you sunbathe too lightly dressed

If your neighbors think you are sunbathing too casually, you can be reported for molestation.

– Although it is probably unusual, you could in principle be convicted of annoying behavior if you do not consider your neighbors. The penalty is a fine.

According to Check the law Outrageous behavior can be, for example, showing the bottom in an inappropriate way or having sex in a car in a parking lot.


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