Then food prices can rise even more

Then food prices can rise even more

At the beginning of the year, inflation rose and one of the reasons is believed to be higher food prices than before. In just one year, food prices have risen by 2.2 percent on average.

At ICA, prices are linked to the prevailing situation in the outside world.

– We are in a continued challenging situation. We have war in our surroundings that affect goods transport, delays in freight that need to be detours and the general cost increases both linked to interest rates and currency, says Eric LundbergCEO of ICA Sweden, in an interview with TT and continues:

– Then, unfortunately, we also see that raw material prices are affected by the harvests, linked to climate issues.

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Eric Lundberg, CEO of ICA Sweden Photo: Linus Sundahl-Djerf / SvD / TT.Mood products more expensive and more expensive

In February, the Food Prize College measured that the prices of juice, coffee and dairy products had reached new record levels.

“It can probably be 10 to 20 SEK more expensive per coffee package if it continues like this, it is not unreasonable at all,” said the CEO of the Matcral School. Ulf Mazur to P4 Sörmland when.

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Photo: Anna Tärnhuvud/SvD/TT. Food prices upsets – can rise even more

Now many consumers have had enough of the price increases.

On social media and especially at TikTok, calls for boycott have spread and if everything goes as intended, the large grocery chains’ stores will be empty on customers during week 12.

Read more: Price shock on eggs – here they cost SEK 132

Mats Callatrader at ICA Supermarket Teg in Umeå, is skeptical of the boycott.

– I don’t think prices fall through boycotts, he says in an interview with P4 Västerbotten.

To the channel, Calla says that the discussion about food prices has been “very boring” in recent times. A boycott he thinks will not force down prices, on the contrary.

– What would happen if it becomes a boycott? It is that the stores would have to throw a lot of goods and the effect is that it will be more expensive since the goods have to be paid, he tells the channel.

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Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT.
