Then episode 4, 5, 6 and all other episodes of season 4 will be shown on the first and in the media library

Then episode 4 5 6 and all other episodes of

Babylon Berlin is back on free TV. Starting this evening, the new episodes of the popular crime series will be broadcast on Erste. After a jump in time, we meet Charlotte Ritter and Gereon Rath again in the early 1930s, where they are investigating the unstable Weimar Republic during the Great Depression. In this article you will find out the broadcast dates of season 4 and where you can stream all episodes.

How many episodes does Babylon Berlin Season 4 have?

The first seasons of the crime series had eight episodes each, which was then increased. Season 4 consists of 12 episodes. Anyone who thought that the free TV premiere would run for several weeks was wrong. The first shows the entire 4th season in just four days and with changing times. The final runs this Wednesday.

TV broadcast: These are the broadcast dates for episodes 1 to 12 on the first

  • Episode 1, 2, 3 and 4: Sunday, October 1st, from 8:15 p.m
  • Episode 5, 6, 7, and 8: Monday, October 2nd, from 8:15 p.m
  • Episode 9 and 10: Tuesday, October 3rd, from 10:10 p.m. (after the broadcast of Ballon)
  • Episode 11 and 12: Wednesday, October 4th, from 9:45 p.m. (following the broadcast of After Us, the Rest of the World)
  • The free TV premiere begins this Sunday with the first four episodes in prime time on the first.

    This is how you can stream all seasons of Babylon Berlin

    The entire 4th season, i.e. all the episodes that will still be broadcast on the first, is already streaming in the ARD media library. You don’t need a subscription or an account for this. If you want to catch up on the first three seasons, you can do so for free in the media library.

    In addition, all four seasons are available for WOW and Sky subscribers.

    That’s what the new episodes of Babylon Berlin are about

    Season 4 sees the series’ first major time jump. While the previous episodes were set in the year of the stock market crash in 2029, we are now traveling to Berlin at the turn of the year from 1930 to 1931. The Roaring Twenties have ended. Street fights, rivalries in the underworld and intrigues of the powerful determine the life of the city, while the economic and political situation in the Weimar Republic continues to worsen.

    Gereon Rath (Volker Bruch) smuggles himself undercover in the Nazi organization SA which also brings him into conflict with his confidante Charlotte Ritter (Liv Lisa Fries).

    In this article you will find out more about the new additions to the cast of season 4 and why there was and continues to be controversy surrounding the main actor Volker Bruch in the run-up to the premiere on Sky.

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