“Love is Blind Sweden” premiered with its first season in early 2024 and took both the Swedish and international audience by storm. The program is about love -seeking singles dating in capsules, and going down on their knees to free, before they must neither see nor meet each other.
In there were three couples who got married and all three still hold together today.
Meira Omar and Oscar Nordstrand have married once again after the program. Amanda Jonegård and Sergio Rincón have had children and are currently waiting for their second, and Krisse-ly Kuldkepp and Rasmus Hedenstedt got their first child just a week ago.
Then comes love is blind sweden season 2
Right after the first season, Netflix went out that it will be one more season. And now Netlix in the streaming service confirms that the second season has received a premiere date.
On March 13, Love is Blind Sweden has season two premiere. Jessica Almenäs will shoulder the role of program manager this season as well.