Theater: “Last scissor kick”, interactive masterstroke

Sébastien Azzopardi, director of the play “Dernier coup de scissors”, played on the stage of the Théâtre des Mathurins.

Last Scissor Cutit’s an interactive detective comedy, a sort of Cluedo » life-size theatrical film, which transforms the public into investigators. This piece was a phenomenal success and was rewarded with the Guinness World Records, as being the longest-running play across the Atlantic – around 30 years. It has already conquered more than nine million spectators around the world. In Paris, the room, carried mainly by word of mouth, has been full for nearly eleven years.

► This Tuesday, August 23, the Théâtre des Mathurins celebrates the 3,000ᵉ performance and the 1,000ᵉ spectator of Last Scissor Cut.

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