The ZES bonus for the intake of Over 35 in the South is underway

The ZES bonus for the intake of Over 35 in

(Finance) – officially starts the Zes bonusthe incentive intended for companies in the South who hire indefinitely workers over 35 unemployed long -term. The implementing decree of 7 January 2025, signed by the Minister of Labor and Social Policies and the Minister of Economy and Finance, was Published today and establishes the criteria for the total exemption of social security contributions (excluding INAIL prizes) for two years, up to a Maximum of 650 euros per month.

The measure – provided for by article 24 of the Cohesion Decree (Legislative Decree 60/2024, converted with modifications in law no. 95/2024) and financed with 591.4 million euros until 2027 as part of the National Youth Program, Women and work 2021-2027-Mira a strengthen employment levels and reduce territorial gaps In the regions of the Special Economic Area (ZES) the only one of the South: Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia.

“The ZES bonus – explains the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone – It is part of a 360 degree strategy that the Meloni government has been carrying out from the beginning of the mandate, with complementary measures with each other, to promote employment, reduce territorial gaps and support the Italian production fabric “.

They can access the facility i private employers with a staff of up to 10 employees which, between 1 September 2024 and 31 December 2025, take on non -managerial staff to be employed in one of the eight ZES regions. To obtain the bonus, the company must not have made individual layoffs for justified reason or collective layoffs in the six months preceding the hiring.

The companies concerned must submit electronic request to INPSindicating the business and worker data, the type of contract, the average monthly remuneration and the expected workplace. The bonus it cannot be combined with other contributory exonersbut is compatible-without reductions-with the maxi-deployment for new hiring introduced by the Irpef reform (art. 4 of Legislative Decree no. 216/2023) and extended until 2027.

(Photo: Photo by John Schnobrich on Usplash)
