The yellow mailboxes of La Poste are disappearing, here is how to deposit his mail

The yellow mailboxes of La Poste are disappearing here is

The yellow mailboxes, essential in French municipalities, are fewer and fewer. La Poste tends to delete them.

La Poste is taking more and more measures in the face of the drop in the volume of mail: 18 billion folds were treated per year in 2008 against 6 billion in 2023. This figure should continue to decrease, dividing two by 2030. Postal offices close or tend to reduce their schedules. Faced with this observation, the Court of Auditors even suggested reviewing the frequency of mail distribution, while France is the last country of the European Union to impose a distribution obligation six days a week.

That’s not all. La Poste also attacks the famous yellow mailboxes. These legendary landmarks in French municipalities are disappearing while they allow you to send letters easily. This measure does not satisfy the French who see it as the gradual disappearance of an important proximity service, as reported TF1 In a report giving the example of the city of Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe in Moselle, in which three of the four yellow mailboxes were removed last February. This decision did not please the mayor of the city: “It is a symbol, the yellow mailbox in the town”.

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It still appears to be essential, especially for the elderly or those that are not used to digital. Many municipalities, however, suffer the same fate. In Silly-sur-Nied, La Poste has decided to replace the six yellow mailboxes with a single power station, reports The Lorraine Republican.

La Poste defends that a yellow mailbox is required for 1000 inhabitants, thus resulting in cuts in small municipalities. She also assures that some no longer receive mail and that we must optimize tours.

In solution, she offers to give her mail directly to send to the postman. The inhabitants remain skeptical because it would involve having to remain waiting for the latter. France is not the only one to make such a change. As reported The worldin Denmark, the third most digitized country in the world, Postnord has planned to withdraw these boxes in this red country in 2025.
