The wreckage is over 80 meters deep – “Must have sunk very fast”

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The first alarm came from a woman on the northeast side of the lake who seemed to see and hear how the plane crashed into the water.

– It must have been a real blow. A couple of younger men threw themselves into their own boat and went out looking. They found aviation fuel on the surface but otherwise nothing, says Anders Lännholm, rescue leader at the Maritime and Air Rescue Center and continues:

– The plane must have sunk very fast.

Must have practiced takeoff and landing

The aircraft was a Twin Bee model, an amphibious aircraft that can take off and land on water. The two men who were on the plane were from Germany and according to information to the Maritime and Air Rescue Center, they had practiced take-off and landing on water when the accident occurred.

– We quickly got the local ambulance helicopter up in the air and they were the ones who found the deceased person and some wreckage from the plane, says Anders Lännholm.

Resuscitation attempts were made but the man, who was in his 60s, could not be saved.

Missing man is feared dead

On Monday evening, the search for the man in his 20s who was also on board the plane was stopped. The assessment was then made that there was no longer any hope of finding the man alive.

– Then they had searched islands and land without finding the man, says Lars Hedelin, spokesman for the police.

“Dangerous to dive into that depth”

On Tuesday, the maritime police will investigate the site to find out how the continued work will be carried out.

– The difficult thing now is that the wreck is at at least 80 meters deep and it is dangerous to dive to that depth. I think you can use an ROV [fjärrstyrd undervattensfarkost, reds. anm]says Anders Lännholm, rescue leader at the Sea and Air Rescue Center.
