Freddy Krueger gets love in Dead by Daylight. A lot of it. He is now one of the best killers with exciting skills.
There are killers in Dead by Daylight, they feel neglected by the developers. They have been at the lower end of the animal list for years and are almost no longer played. One of these killers is “The Nightmare”, better known as Freddy Krueger from “A Nightmare on Elm Street”.
In the latest patch 8.5.0, the developers took the time to fundamentally revise this killer. Now Freddy is back – stronger and more versatile than ever before. We’ll tell you what has changed.
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What has changed? The revisions of Freddy are quite extensive. The following changes in quick run:
What do the changes mean in detail? Freddy now plays much more dynamic and therefore more interactive. Because with the dream pallets he can now do more than just start Mindgames. The pallets can be brought to explosion manually – then they explode in a blood fountain. Survivors hit are violated when they already sleep, guard the surviving back is much closer to sleep.
As a compensation for this, Freddy can now also be stunned by the dream pallets, but that can be cope with-his skills are now more versatile.
Above all, the opportunity to teleport themselves to healing survivors while sleeping ensures completely new options. Survivors are almost always in compulsion to wake up before using time for healing. Otherwise, Freddy could appear in close proximity and make sure that this has been done with the healing anyway.
You can get a somewhat more precise insight into the playing style from the Youtuber Otzdarva, who has already tested the new Freddy in detail:
Cortyn says: For me too, Freddy Krueger was a killer that I completely avoided after the first few days. He was just too little fun and his skills come from a time when it was much less possible and the survivors also generally had worse perks. The game had simply developed over the years – only Freddy stayed behind.
Now Freddy is back in a solid position and is easy to play. His skills are interesting, allow exciting “mindgames” and ensure significantly more entertainment. I don’t want to say whether it is overpowering. After a re -work, it usually takes a few days for the survivors to learn how to deal with the killer.
But currently Freddy feels fresh and interesting and could become one of my favorite killers again with his skills. First of all, this is a good thing – the fine adjustment of the balance, whether up or down, can still take place afterwards.
It remains to be seen whether we free Freddy from its status as “F” killer when the animal list is revised next to the next revision of the animal list …