Internal Medicine Specialist Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay continues to add new ones to her groundbreaking statements about health. Expressing that the most important problem in the formation of stress is insomnia, the expert said, “There are very important factors that are often overlooked in triggering stress,” and listed them one by one.
Karatay used the following statements in his statement:
“If you’re sleep deprived, it’s already a huge stress for the body. You’ll suffer from it all day long. Sleep is very important.
The hormone melatonin is needed to sleep. If the balance of the hormone melatonin is disturbed, you cannot sleep.
What disturbs the balance of this hormone is sugar, high insulin and cortisol hormone.
For him, sugar is the sweetest poison. If I said sugar, these are not just sweets, but foods such as cereal, flour, bread, which are sugar when they enter the body.
Stating that one of the most important stresses for the human body is to do heavy sports, Canan Karatay continued her explanations as follows:
If you are running like mad cows, if you are doing bodybuilding, the stress hormone cortisol is released.
What does this hormone do? It increases insulin resistance and makes you diabetic. That’s the stress in the body. So walk calmly, walk slowly.
Studies show that walking at a slow pace for 20 minutes a day is much more beneficial than antidepressants.
Drawing attention to the vegetables grown in the soil, Internal Medicine Specialist Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay stated that they no longer have any minerals.
“Because so much agricultural poison has been sprayed on the soil that these are the factors that disrupt the intestinal flora in the body and initiate stress.” The expert also mentioned detergents:
“Likewise, household detergents, fabric softeners, bleach. They are all a factor.
For example, a woman wears sunscreen while swimming. ‘Even if it is the most luxurious cream of the best company, can you drink that preservative?’ I ask you.
That cream is absorbed by your body, or you breathe in the detergent, and it mixes with the blood in your lungs.”
Stating that people who are stressed start using antidepressants, the expert name “There is no need for this, drugs also increase stress.” said.
The expert continued his statements as follows:
When these drugs are used for a long time, they also disrupt the brain. In emergencies, it can be taken for a short time, but not continuously. Unfortunately today they even give it to 12-year-olds.
Nutrition is very important in coping with stress. Yogurt is very important. The most natural vinegar. House vinegar, homemade pickles, homemade yogurt, natural head trotter and bone broth.
They allow to remove heavy metals accumulated in the body. If the body is acid, the acid will cause more stress in the body.
Intestinal health is very important for a stress-free life. We need to alkalize the intestines and body. We need to protect the friendly bacteria in the gut. Drinking water is also very important.
The sun is very useful in reducing stress, daylight is very important. Everyone is happier because the days are longer in summer.
In northern countries the nights are very long. Then the stress increases. This has been scientifically proven.
Being with your loved ones, sharing your troubles with them, and most importantly, hugging them prevents stress.
Women and men due to both private and business life; Children are also under intense stress, especially due to the examination system.
Mobbing in workplaces creates a lot of stress. There is a lot of pressure, especially on women. Children have test stress. All of them face the test since primary school. Exam is the most useless event in the world. People need to live their childhood and youth. I feel so sorry.
They do not know nature. They hold their mothers’ hands and go to shopping malls. They go to gyms and classrooms. They are completely away from nature. I think that’s the biggest stress.
Know that when you are intertwined with nature and get to know nature, stress will be less. Watching the sunrise and sunset, getting to know the sky and the moon. These are natural antidepressants.
Listen to good music. I always listen to classical music, especially in stressful situations. In the hospital, I take care of patients by listening to Mozart.
Mozart reduces my stress a lot. Of course, we also have our own music. Our folk music and folk dances are very important.