The worst defensive values ​​should become much more important – Blizzard even gives a date for the build conversion

Elemental resistances are far too weak in Diablo 4 and don’t stand a chance against the other armor values. That should change, just like your builds.

Why are the values ​​so bad? Simply put, resistances to elements have bad multipliers in Diablo 4. Regardless of whether:

  • Resistance to all types of damage
  • Resistance to Cold/Fire/Poison/Lightning/Shadow
  • The stats don’t scale well, so it’s better to bet on other defensive stats:

  • damage reduction
  • armor
  • more life
  • You can find the details on the topic here:

    more on the subject

    Strong armor in Diablo 4: 2 stats are important and you should avoid one

    by Mike Schneider

    Why should anything change? The problem is that stats are actually pretty important as you progress into Diablo 4’s endgame.

    Enemies are constantly throwing elemental attacks at you, preferably with ground effects, which a dedicated necromancer likes to cover up. The lousy resistances make for frustrating one-shot kills. The damage classes in particular suffer from the strong hits.

    The good thing about it: Currently you don’t need to worry about the elemental resistances. Whether you have 80% poison resistance or just the 30/40% of the amulet – it makes little difference.

    But it won’t stay that way, as Blizzard confirmed at the “Campfire Talk” on June 16 (via

    What should change and when? The changes should come into play with Season 2. It should therefore take at least until October 2023 for the resistances to be adjusted. Here you can find the information about Season 1.

    What exactly the developers want to change about it, they leave open for the time being. But one thing is clear: Many players are now building their builds without the resistances because they are considered weak. If the adjustments come, the fun build-tinkering and item-collecting starts all over again.

    Assuming our current main characters are still relevant by then.

    By the way, basements are much more helpful when looting than you might think:

    Diablo 4: That’s why you should look into every basement

    More videos

    What else was discussed at the Campfire Talk? The stream revealed a lot of exciting information and we have made some articles about it on MeinMMO:

    The release should only be the beginning of the journey and the developers are already talking about changes that will only come into play in a few months. Even two expansions are already in the works and all seasons should be bigger than what Diablo 3 offered in its seasons.

    Which changes do you currently wish for the most? Leave a comment on the topic.
