The world’s largest refrigerator was ashore in Atlantic

A23A, off the coast of South Georgia Island, hit the shallow continental shelf, 80 km away from land. British National Arctic Research Institute ‘British Antarctic Survey’ Specialist. Nadine Johnston said, “This is like throwing food bombs in the middle of an empty desert.”

“May restrict access”

Mark Belchier, who consulted the government of South Georgia, said, “If the glacier mass, if it breaks down, it may pose a danger to the ships moving in local currents and restrict the access of ships to local fishing areas”.

Prof. Dr. Rrs Sir David Attenborough ‘in Antarctica. Huw Griffiths said, “The future of all icebergs will die. It is surprising that A23A lasts so long and lost only one quarter of its area ..

Griffiths emphasized the support of the glacier to the region ecosystem and said, “The whole universe is a gigantic scraped on the sea base. ice is crushed by the part. Somewhere, while destroying something, it provides nutrients and food in other places. Without ice, we wouldn’t have these ecosystems. These are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world and support many species and individual animals and feeds the world’s largest animals such as blue whale. ”

(DHA)This content Melih Kadir Yilmaz Published by
