The world star demonstrated with Thunberg on the last strike

The 251st and last school strike for the climate on Greta Thunberg’s part was done on Friday.
With her was the rock legend and author Patti Smith.
“Today I graduate, which means I will no longer be able to strike from school for the climate,” writes the now world-famous climate activist on his Instagram account.

What began as a three-week school strike for the climate in August 2018 grew into a global climate movement among young people. Thunberg received support from Leonardo DiCaprio, Billie Eilish and many world leaders for the sharp criticism she directed at the slowness of those in power to reach the climate goals.


Here the world star demonstrates together with Greta Thunberg

Smith stood with Fridays for Future

On the last school strike before graduation, she was supported on the spot outside the Riksdag by Patti Smith, the rock legend who broke through in the 70s and is still touring the world.

“It is a privilege to join the activists in the climate fight, and a moment with the brave and benevolent leader,” writes Patti Smith on her Instagram about Greta Thunberg.

Not going anywhere

Even if Thunberg can no longer strike, the activism is not over.

“We’re still here, and we’re not going anywhere,” she writes, and continues:

“Of course I will continue to demonstrate on Fridays, even though technically it is no longer a school strike. We simply have no other option but to do everything we can. The battle has only just begun.”
