The world is talking about the agreement signed in Istanbul! Grain corridor thanks to Turkey from the White House

The world is talking about the agreement signed in Istanbul

The grain crisis, which is one of the most important problems of the world, ended with the mediation of Turkey. Many countries appreciated the agreement and Turkey’s policy. An explanation about the historical signature came from the USA. The White House welcomed the agreement signed between Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and the UN, and thanked Guterres and President Erdogan for mediating.


Speaking to reporters at the White House, Kirby spoke about the signing of the “Secure Shipment of Grain and Foodstuffs from Ukrainian Ports Initiative Document” between Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and the UN under the auspices of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Kirby said, “The United States welcomes this step. We thank the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Turkish President Erdogan for their diplomatic leadership in making this agreement.” said.

Indicating that the successful implementation of the agreement is possible with Russia’s compliance with the agreement, Kirby said that they will closely monitor the implementation of the agreement.

Kirby also pointed out that grains and foodstuffs extracted from Ukraine will be resold through Turkey and said, “This is the result of hard work and we are grateful to President Erdogan and UN Secretary-General Guterres for leading them here. This is a positive sign.” made its assessment.

U.S. Undersecretary of State Nuland, on the other hand, said that the Ukraine grain shipment agreement, mediated by Turkey, is very well structured in terms of monitoring and shipping channels.


Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi stated that the grain corridor agreement signed in Istanbul is excellent news for the whole international community.

In a written statement regarding the agreement signed in Istanbul, Draghi said, “The agreements signed in Istanbul by Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the UN are excellent news for the whole international community.” used the phrase.

Emphasizing that removing the blockade on millions of tons of grain remaining in Black Sea ports and ensuring that they reach the citizens of low and middle-income countries is necessary to avoid the global food crisis, Draghi said:

“The success of this plan depends on the swift and full implementation of the agreements signed today. Italy has made a strong commitment in recent months to support Turkey’s mediation initiative in the central role of the United Nations (UN). We hope it represents the first step towards tangible hopes for the future.”



Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio also evaluated the news of the agreement in Istanbul as “good news that also opened the dialogue channel” in the online broadcast that he participated in.

The following statements were also included in the post on the Twitter account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

“Italy welcomed the agreement of Russia, Ukraine and Turkey on the unblocking of Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea and the resumption of grain exports around the world. This result was concluded with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Assistance. It was achieved thanks to the tireless efforts of its coordinator (Martin) Griffiths. An important step to mitigate the global food crisis.”

Italian League Party leader Matteo Salvini thanked Turkey, which hosted the agreement, for its efforts, and expressed his wish that this would be a first and important step towards a return to dialogue in the months-long war.

In the statement made by the Italian Agricultural Association (Coldiretti), 1.2 billion kilograms of corn from Ukraine to be used in animal feed will come to Italy thanks to the agreement.

In the statement, it was stated that wheat and sunflower oil would also come to Italy for bread making, and it was stated that all these had positive effects on the agreement signed in Istanbul.



British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss praised Turkey’s role in reaching the agreement signed under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the shipment of grain products from Ukrainian ports.

In a written statement made by the British Foreign Ministry, Truss said, “It is extremely important that Ukraine’s grain is delivered to international food markets. We applaud Turkey and the United Nations Secretary-General for their efforts in achieving this agreement.”

Stating that Britain and its allies are making great efforts to reach this point, the British Minister said, “Now this agreement must be implemented. We will be monitoring (developments) to make sure Russia’s words are in line with its actions.” made its assessment.

“Putin must end this war and get out of Ukraine to ensure long-term global security and economic stability,” Truss said. shared his opinion.



Head of Ukrainian Presidential Office Andriy Sybiha stated that the Grain Shipment Agreement signed in Istanbul is an important step to prevent the global food crisis and that he appreciates the active role played by Turkey and the United Nations (UN) in resolving the “grain issue”.

In her statement on her Twitter account, Sybiha referred to the agreement signed in Istanbul and stated that the initiative to remove the obstacle in Ukrainian ports was approved.

Pointing out that this agreement will enable the creation of a humanitarian corridor for grain exports, Sybiha said, “It is an important step to prevent the global food crisis. I appreciate the active position of the UN and Turkey in solving the ‘grain issue’.” used his statements.


Regarding the agreements signed in Istanbul, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, “I would like to once again thank our Turkish partners, personally President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for their contribution to the results achieved today.” said.

Lavrov made statements regarding the signing of the “Secure Shipment of Grain and Foodstuffs from Ukrainian Ports Initiative Document” between Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and the United Nations (UN) under the auspices of President Erdogan.

Stating that it is possible to preserve the politics-free structure of the Ukrainian grain agreement with the efforts of the Russian delegation, Lavrov said, “Russia will continue to remain loyal to its obligations in this area. It is unacceptable and inhumane to use food for the interests of the geopolitical adventures of the USA and its allies.” used his statements.

Pointing out that the main purpose of the export agreements is to provide unhindered food and fertilizer supplies from Russia to the world markets, Lavrov promised to remove the obstacles created by the USA and the EU in the fields of finance, insurance and logistics, and to provide certain exemptions from the restrictive measures brought to the country for these products. stressed the issue.

Expressing that it is gratifying that Washington and Brussels stopped preventing the realization of today’s agreements, Lavrov noted that the signing of the Russia-UN agreement once again proved that the West’s attempts to blame Russia for problems with grain supply are unfounded.

Lavrov expressed the hope that Russia will make every effort to fulfill the agreements on the export of Ukrainian grain and Russian agricultural products in the coming period.

Regarding the agreements signed in Istanbul, Lavrov said, “I would like to thank once again to our Turkish partners, personally President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for their contribution to the results achieved today.” shared his review.


Workneh Gebeyehu, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development in East Africa (IGAD), stated that they look forward to the speedy implementation of the agreement and congratulated everyone involved in the process.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, at a press conference with President of Ivory Coast Alassane Ouattara in Pretoria, stated that the dependence of African countries on grain in Russia and Ukraine should be seen as a real danger.

Emphasizing that they want the conflict to end as soon as possible and to see peace, Ramaphosa noted that this war should be a “warning” for the continent.

Ouattara, on the other hand, stated that they are very pleased with the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to sign the agreement and expressed that African countries should prioritize supply due to their fragile economies.

25 countries in Africa make more than one third of their wheat imports from Russia and Ukraine every year.
