The World Cup star confirms interest from Sweden’s top club – but is being chased by five (!) other SHL teams: “It’s interesting”

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The SHL season is fast approaching.
Now Luleå is hoping for a real top signing.
– It definitely feels like an interesting option, says Mario Kempe, who also confirms interest from five (!) other Swedish clubs.

The SHL premiere is now just days away and the vast majority of squads in the league are already nailed. But for Luleå, work is still going on to bring in a really high-scoring forward. The club went to the SC final last spring, but has since lost both Linus Omark and Pontus Andreasson, who were in the absolute top tier of forwards in the league.

Confirms interest

They have already recruited NHL veteran Leo Komarov as an intended replacement, but the hunt is still on to bring in another class player offensively. And an exciting name still goes clubless. Mario Kempe left the KHL in the spring and has still not signed a new contract – despite great interest. It is clear that there will be no further play in the Russian league, but where he will play next season is still unclear.

210522 Mario Kempe of Sweden looks dejected after the 2021 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship game between Denmark and Sweden on May 22, 2021 in Riga. Photo: Simon Hastegård / BILDBYRÅN

However, the interest in Kempe is great – not least in Sweden. He now confirms that there is interest from Luleå in particular.

– There have been no concrete talks yet. But I received a message from “The Shadow” (Luleå’s sports manager Stefan Nilsson) a while ago. He wrote that they are interested in me. I appreciated that, says Kempe to NSD.

Chased by six SHL teams

Kempe, who played in the World Cup last year, should also have interest from no less than five (!) other clubs in Sweden, but he does not deny that there is something about Luleå that attracts.

– It definitely feels like an interesting alternative. I want to come to an association that has the ambition to win. They also play a fun hockey that should suit me, who has an intense style of play. But they have only registered their interest and I am not that far ahead in thinking, he says.

210528 Mario Kempe of Sweden is awarded Player of the Match after the 2021 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship game between Sweden and Great Britain on May 28, 2021 in Riga. Photo: Simon Hastegård / BILDBYRÅN

Mario Kempe also tells us that an alternative is playing in Switzerland, something that Kempe has thought about for a long time.

– I’ve always thought it would be fun to try games in the Swiss league, and I’ve been in contact with some clubs down there before. I had the opportunity to play there already last season, he says.

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