The World Cup revealed the harsh truth about Suomi hockey: “Otherwise, it’s going to be a hell of a lot” | Sport

The World Cup revealed the harsh truth about Suomi hockey

According to expert Ismo Lehkonen, the level of the SM league has dropped at a terrible pace. In his opinion, training is also at a Stone Age level.

The Ice Hockey World Cup ended on Sunday, when the Czech Republic celebrated the world championship. Sports expert Ismo Lehkonen highlights three selections from the World Cup.

1. SM league level dropped

An interesting phenomenon was observed in the finals of the Ice Hockey World Championships. Thanks to the Olympics and the upcoming four-nation tournament, the World Cup saw several NHL stars, but the Czech Republic and Switzerland still made it to the finals.

– The Czech Republic had 11 players and Switzerland had 15 players from their own leagues. These are the toughest World Cups in many years in terms of player materials, so this is a pretty tough display from the Czech Republic and Switzerland, says Lehkonen.

At the same time, Lehkonen brings up the situation in the SM league. Finland had nine players who played in the SM league.

– We can honestly admit that the level of the SM league has fallen at a terrible rate during the last 4-5 years, says Lehkonen.

According to Lehkonen, the decisions made by the decision-makers in the past, such as the closing of the SM league and increasing the number of teams, are now quickly catching on.

He reminds that one should not draw big conclusions from individual World Cup results. However, it has been possible to observe from the games what the sports skills of Finnish players are like compared to others.

– All the coaches shout in unison all the time that we stay at game speed. In addition, we lag in dueling skills, torsional strength and goal sprinting. We play terribly soft hockey, says Lehkonen.

Lehkonen also highlights the lack of competition in the junior leagues, where the league clubs have long enjoyed the so-called mandate places. According to the expert, it can also be seen in the national teams of 16–18-year-olds.

– It is said about the youth national teams that you can’t help but slow down the game against the top countries. Otherwise, it’s going to be hell.

2. Finland lags behind top countries

What should be done about all this? According to Lehkonen, one of the biggest things is physical training. According to the expert, it is at the Stone Age level.

– This new generation definitely requires completely different things. Ice level training needs to be updated to the present day.

According to Lehkonen, the game must also be central. He sees that Finland is really far behind the top countries in the world when it comes to attacking play.

– I’m talking about understanding an individual’s game, especially when it comes to attacking play.

– It was visible in these World Cups. We had ten first-timers and even against small countries, our attacking play was minimal.

Finland must rock, because according to the expert, the Czech Republic and Switzerland are developing at an extremely fast pace. The Czech Republic has put a lot of effort into its conditions and its own series because of its home matches. The level of the Swiss series, on the other hand, has risen dramatically in recent years.

– Switzerland is rapidly becoming one of the top countries in international leagues, says Lehkonen.

3. We are furious in Sweden

Sweden, teeming with NHL stars, wavered and finally won bronze at the World Championships. Lehkonen was disappointed that it wasn’t Sam Hallam got more out of his team.

– The standard of defensive play was poor individually and at the level of five. Hallam couldn’t develop the same passion for defense as it once did in Växjö.

According to the expert, the Swedish ice hockey association has to wonder why Hallam didn’t get a team in the association. He considers it possible that the head coach may not continue in his position despite his contract.

Jalonen Jukka has back pocketed him along the way basically the whole time. I would say that his continuation is quite fifty-fifty. Much depends on how the NHL players experienced the event.

– In Sweden, however, we are currently furious that the Swedes did not give their hearts to the game. Especially playing defense was even a shame for NHL players. The upcoming debate will surely be very tough.
