the work of the Transitional Parliament raises questions and criticisms

the work of the Transitional Parliament raises questions and criticisms

Nearly two months after its inauguration, the National Transitional Council met in plenary on Tuesday, March 29, to adopt a series of ordinances. This Tuesday afternoon, the CNT thus adopted, by a majority, a law on the Superior Council of the Judiciary. While the Parliament of the transition is organizing its first working sessions, several questions remain and the lack of communication around its activities gives rise to criticism and debate.

For two days, the advisers must ratify two texts on the organization of the institutions. “ It’s a trivial and quick legal process recognizes a member, who believes that this session could have been reduced by one day.

Then, the CNT should write a report on its tour carried out inside the country. “ An exercise postponed sine die “, plague an adviser in lack of information on the internal agenda in parliament. “ Several activities are planned these days, we are at 100 per hour “, Assures the reverse, an official of the CNT.

But seen from the outside, several civil society activists denounce the slowness of the transitional parliament: “ the CNT concentrates on secondary work instead of dealing with crucial issues, such as the Constitution “explains an observer. This connoisseur of the institutions also wonders about the legality of the activities carried out these days, since the rules of procedure, adopted a month ago, have not yet been made public in the Official Journal.

As for the delicate question of the duration of the transition: “ it is an emergency, but we do not know when the debate on this subject will take place “says an adviser. “ There is a calculation on time to drag out the process », Regrets a political leader who sits on the CNT.
