the words of an RN deputy cause a scandal in the National Assembly

new motion of no confidence rejected despite the voices of

The President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet ended the session of questions to the government on Thursday, after a racist arrest in the hemicycle which provoked the indignation of the deputies.

The deputy La France insoumise Carlos Martens Bilongo spoke about the ” illegal immigration drama “, when a parliamentarian from the National Rally launched in the hemicycle ” that they return to Africa “, without it being known who his remarks were aimed at. After a few minutes of confusion, the President of the Assembly ended the session ” given the seriousness of the facts ” and of “ legitimate emotion » in the hemicycle. Left-wing and majority elected officials attributed the arrest to deputy RN Grégoire de Fournas.

Racism has no place in our democracy. “, warned Thursday the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, indicating that “ naturally “, the office of the National Assembly ” should take action “. The Renaissance Group will no longer sit “As long as the RN deputy accused of having launched in the hemicycle racist remarks against his colleague LFI will not be heavily sanctioned, also indicated Thursday the vice-president of the group Sylvain Maillard. ” Marine Le Pen must demand her resignation without delay “, tweeted Stéphane Séjourné, number one of the presidential party.

The RN group denies

Today, the far right showed its true face “, Estimated the president of the deputies LFI Mathilde Panot. ” We are going to ask for the strongest sanction, expulsion for several months of this deputy, Mathilde Panot told the press.

The RN group in the Assembly denied Thursday that its deputy Grégoire de Fournas had directly targeted Carlos Martens Bilongo with a racist arrest. ” Grégoire de Fournas said “let them go back to Africa” talking about the boat carrying migrants to Europe (subject of the question to the government), in no way speaking of the deputy “, according to the far-right group. “ It’s rather a not very classy manipulation of LFI “, Estimates Sébastien Chenu, vice-president RN of the Assembly.

The deputy of Gironde Grégoire de Fournas also denied any racist intention with regard to his colleague and assured that his remarks were distorted. ” We are facing a manipulation of La France insoumise which seeks to distort my remarks to make me make disgusting remarks vis-à-vis a fellow French deputy of the nation who has the same legitimacy as me on these benches “, did he declare.
