the Women’s World Cup in England in 2025, the men’s in Australia in 2027

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The host countries of the next five Rugby World Cups are known: the women’s editions have been awarded to England (2025), Australia (2029) and the United States (2033), the men’s editions to Australia (2027) and the United States (2031). Rugby will therefore be exported to the United States for the first time, with the men’s Worlds in 2031 and women’s in 2033. This will not be a first on the American continent since Canada had already hosted the 2010 edition, won by the New Zealand Black Ferns. The American candidacy had been supported by President Joe Biden, who had sent a letter to World Rugby at the end of April. England, host country of the 2025 edition, has already hosted three World Cups, one women’s (2010) and two men’s (1991 and 2015). It will not be a first “Down Under” either, since Australia has already organized the Men’s World Cup in 1987 (with New Zealand) and in 2003. Regarding the men’s edition of 2027, it will be the first in the hemisphere since the 2011 edition disputed in New Zealand. England and Japan hosted the 2015 and 2019 vintages respectively. France will organize the next one in 2023.
