The woman who took part in the takeover of Congress refuses Trump’s amnesty – “We broke the law” | News in brief

“Maga granny” used to be a supporter of Donald Trump, but has since changed her mind.

Participating in the takeover of the Washington Congress four years ago Pamela Hemphill not received by the president Donald Trump’s granted amnesty. This is reported by the US media, for example Newsweek magazine.

Hemphill, known on social media as “Maga granny,” says she has changed her mind about supporting Trump. According to him, the Congress takeover, whose perpetrators tried to prevent the election, won Joe Biden the appointment was against the law.

– Accepting amnesty would be an insult to the Capitol police, the judiciary and, of course, our country, he says. According to Hemphill, the Trump administration is trying to distort history, and he wants no part of it.

Hemphill was in the group that broke into the Congress building and he received a two-month prison sentence for his act, which he has served.
