The witnesses tell about the attack on Mette Fredriksen

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen was attacked in Copenhagen on Friday evening.
Now the witnesses tell about what happened.
– He shouted something and was aggressive, but we couldn’t hear what he shouted, Marie Adrian and Anna Ravn, who saw the incident, say to Danish BT

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has been attacked by a man on Kultorvet in central Copenhagen.

In a press release, the Danish government writes that it is shocked but has no further comments. It did not appear if she was injured during the attack.

Marie Adrian and Anna Ravn, respectively 18 and 17 years old, witnessed the incident. They were sitting by the fountain when they saw Mette Fredriksen walking.

They watched in shock as a younger man just a few meters away pushed the prime minister – so hard she nearly fell over.

– A man came by in the opposite direction and gave her a hard push on the shoulder so that she fell to the side, Marie Adrian and Anna Ravn tell BT

“Shout something and be aggressive”

The two witnesses believe that it could not have been an accident.

– She looked at him and looked shocked. Almost offended. She looked askance at him and said something to the man she was walking with, say Marie Adrian and Anna Ravn.

They also say that no words were exchanged between Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the perpetrator. They also watched as he was arrested by the Danish National Security and Intelligence Service, who walked a few meters behind the prime minister.

– He shouted something and was aggressive, but we couldn’t hear what he shouted. And then they laid him down on the ground.

“Seemed stressed”

Another witness who saw the prime minister shortly after the attack says:

– I think it happened somewhere over here because she came from the side and then she sat down very briefly at a table. She didn’t have a chance to sit before being escorted away. She seemed stressed. But she didn’t talk to me just to her friend, says Søren Kjaergaard.
