the withdrawal of M23 rebels from Kibumba is “a decoy”, according to the army

the withdrawal of M23 rebels from Kibumba is a decoy

The M23 announced Friday, December 23 its withdrawal from the positions it occupies in the group of Kibumba, in the territory of Nyiragongo, in North Kivu. An official ceremony had also been organized in the presence of the commander of the regional force of the community of East African States (EAC). Three days later, where are we?

From six o’clock this Saturday, displaced persons settled in Kanyaruchinya, near Goma, headed for Kibumba. As soon as they arrived in town, they were turned away by men in fatigues identified as members of the M23. These displaced people say they met the rebels, notably in the Vegetable Market Square or at the General Hospital. The rebels would have explained to them that they could not return yet, because the conditions were not met.

The M23 denies having repelled these people. The movement explains that it clearly indicated to the regional force of the EAC, to the verification mechanism and to the Congolese delegates, the limits of the positions it had ceded.

But this Saturday, December 24, the FARDC accused the M23 of playing a double game, describing the rebel disengagement as “a decoy”, ” an advertising operation “. Their spokesman Sylvain Ekenge indicated that the armed group, instead of regaining its positions in Sabyinyo, was preparing to reinforce its troops in Tongo, Kishishe and Bambu, in order to occupy the territory of Masisi. For the officer, the M23 wants to circumvent the positions of the Congolese army to seize Saké. The same maneuver would be observed to attack Nyanzale, Kibirizi and Kitchanga. Sylvain Ekenge thus denounced the ” hypocritical attitude ” and ” deceit of M23.

Read also DRC: M23 officially withdraws from Kibumba, near Goma
