A country market that has brought millions of people to Mount Pleasant over the past 18 years is under new ownership.
Marty Verhey, a Brant County businessman, has purchased The Windmill Country Market from Rob Heikoop. The deal closed in May.
“It came as a surprise,” Verhey said. “I had no idea that it was even available until Rob called me one day out of the blue and asked if I’d be interested.
“The Windmill has such a great reputation in the community and everything about it makes it an exciting opportunity.”
Verhey said he’s delighted to be the owner of a business that has long been a big part of Mount Pleasant and Brant County.
Located at the corner of Mount Pleasant Road and Burtch Road, the country market brings about 130,000 visitors to Mount Pleasant annually. It features a restaurant, bakery and deli as well as a gift shop featuring Amish hardwood furniture.
The country market employs between 25 to 30 people in full- and part-time positions.
“After 18 years, it was time to sell,” Heikoop said. “We were a little bit fearful because we had never sold a business before.
“But we were approached by four different people who said we really should talk to Marty.”
Heikoop said the family is pleased to be selling the market to Verhey.
“It has been our baby and we didn’t want to pass it on to just anybody,” Heikoop said. “We feel confident that he will keep the market looking great and maintain a strong presence in the community.”
Although the country market is a new venture for Verhey, he has a lot of retail experience. He owns Fora Outdoor Living, a garden center with locations in Norwich and Ancaster.
Verhey was also involved in the redevelopment of The Paris Wincey Mills Co., on Mechanic Street in Paris.
The Windmill was opened by Heikoop’s parents – Henry and Coby.
“It was an exciting time,” Henry said. “I had been in advertising and design for years and I knew that if I could develop a landmark, an image, something that would stick in the minds of people that would be helpful.
“That’s the key to advertising, developing a solid image and I think we succeeded.”
Although most of the market’s customers are within a 50-kilometre radius of Mount Pleasant, it has attracted visitors from around the world.
“People bring friends and relatives who are visiting them,” Henry said. “I’ve spoken to people from as far away as Australia.
“You really can’t get much further away than that.”
Henry said his son Rob put his heart and soul into the market and is now getting a well-deserved break.
Residents of Mount Pleasant and Windmill customers have an opportunity say goodbye to the Heikoops and meet Verhey at customer appreciation barbecues being held June 22 to 24 from 11 am to 3 pm
Proceeds from the barbecue will be donated to the Brant Railway Heritage Society.
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