The whole point of the Artemis program is to “prepare a first mission to Mars”

The whole point of the Artemis program is to prepare

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[EN VIDÉO] Mars, the Red Planet soon within human reach
For more than half a century, humans have been exploring Mars, Earth’s little sister with a tragic destiny. This long saga of missions is told to us here, showing how the face of the Red Planet took shape. The fantasies of yesteryear were succeeded by the disappointment at first sight, in 1965. The renewed interest returned in the face of the evidence of a turbulent history, as we like them. Secrets, enigmas and mysteries await us there, now that the idea of ​​a new human adventure on this world so close is taking shape.

Initiated under the Obama presidency, which in 2010 unveiled its plan to conquer the Red Planet by the 2030s, the United States’ desire to send humans to Mars has been reinforced by the Trump presidency. The latter wished to bring forward to 2024 the date of the return to the Moon to allow you to send a first manned mission to Mars from 2033.

Although these two objectives are high, as all professionals in the sector are aware of, this schedule is attractive in that it gives a rhythm of work: ” VSis ambitious, it allows you to set a timetable, it sets a pace explains Nicolas Maubert, Space Advisor and Cnes representative at the French Embassy in the United States.

Americans want to return to the Moon to settle there permanently

This is the whole point of the Artemis program which ” aims to return to the Moon for the first time since 1972 » and must also serve to « prepare a first mission to Mars “. The Americans do not want to make a “remake ofApollo “and want to return to the Moon” to settle there permanently ” in order to prepare the first human expeditions bound for Mars which is the ” displayed justification of the Artemis program “. Nevertheless, the ” step to cross between the Moon and Mars remains enormous “, would like to underline Nicolas Maubert.

What strategy to bring humans to Mars?

To verify that this ” program and the synergies expected between human exploration of the Moon and Mars will be enough to go to Mars », a working group was set up on the initiative ofExplore Mars, Inc.. and of The American Astronautical Society. It brings together industrialists, scientists and representatives of institutions involved in human exploration of the Moon and Mars.

This working group provides advice and makes recommendations to reduce the technical risks and schedule of human missions to Mars. Each year, it takes stock of the prospects for a manned mission to Mars, international partnerships and debates on ” Ihe orientations of NASA and its strategy for bring humans to mars during the 2030 decade “.

He therefore reviews the latest developments and advances in the Artemis program, which NASA presents as being “ideal” to prepare for the first Martian expedition, but also the human activities in orbit bass which provide an additional test bed to prepare for these Martian journeys. It should be noted that, in order to travel to Mars and return safely, the development of key technologies and operational requirements require ” a demonstration in space or on the lunar surface before embarking on a long-duration human exploration mission to Mars “says Nicolas Maubert.

In his last reportmade public at the beginning of September, this working group considers that “ the Artemis lunar exploration program can help prepare human missions to Mars, but it alone is not enough”. In effect, ” the just having humans on the surface of the moon doing their job, doing their exploration and science, and establishing a lasting presence, is not enough. », adds Lisa May, a member of this working group and chief technology officer for civil and commercial space programs at Lockheed Martin.

A good training ground before Mars… but not enough

Certain aspects of the lunar environment are representative of deep space. In this sense, the Moon can be seen as a good training ground before going to Mars, ” to test, validate Martian technologies and operating modes necessary on Mars “, in particular the capacities of landing and re-launch, extraction and exploitation of the resources in situmobility… Despite everything, all “ them aspects of successful Mars exploration cannot be tested on the Moon or aboard the Gateway“. Therefore, he is ” necessary to analyze what can be tested and validated on Earth or in low orbit with theISS notably “.

Among the remarks of the Explore Mars working group, we note that the Moon does not haveatmosphere and its sunlight conditions are very different from those of Mars, “ which can be seen as a strong constraint to test a certain number of equipment “. Added to this is that the nature of the Martian soil is not known with certainty, hence the importance of Martian sample return mission who should we in’ learn a lot about this soil so as not to discover it on the spot! »

Any colonization will only be possible by mastering these subjects

Another subject of concern, the distance which separates the Earth from Mars generates a latency several minutes in communications. It changes “the concept of operations that will require a autonomy total with systems much more resilient and reliable than they are today “.

In this sense, ” the recourse toArtificial intelligenceintelligent maintenance or decision support are essential innovative elements “. Finally, one of the challenges is to succeed in exploiting the resources directly available on site, for example by developing ” automatic or even autonomous systems of production of water and oxygen “. We will not be able to take these elements from Earth for a Martian trip: “ TAny colonization will only be possible by mastering these subjects “.

Uncertainties about possible psychological problems

NASA also expects of the psychological challenges unpublished that future Mars explorers will face when they realize that ” they don’t will have to rely only on themselves and will not be able to rely on the Earth to help them! “In addition, they will have to live for two years – the foreseeable duration of the mission, from departure to return to Earth after a stay of several months on Mars – in a space ” permanently restrained and confined, with no possibility of “to take some fresh air” to change ideas ».

On Mars, there will be many risky situations, even dangers, and all the more potentially stressful as the astronauts will have the feeling of being largely alone to face and overcome them. ” The danger does not necessarily come from the autonomy of on-site operations for which training is possible, but from the fact that no human will ever have found himself so far from the Earth, without “live” communication or, above all, without visual contact. with this one “.

No human will ever have found themselves so far from Earth, without live communication and above all without visual contact with it.

And that, no confinement or simulation experiment on Earth or on the Moon cannot prepare them! Whatever simulations the astronauts will face, they will not be able to ignore that they are on or near Earth, which will distort the experience because, subconsciously, they will know that in case of extreme need the experience will fail. will stop.

Finally, let’s not forget the political aspects that remain the driving force behind the Artemis programme. As Americans began voting to elect their 46e president, Nasa does not believe that if Democratic candidate Joseph (Joe) Biden becomes this 46e President of the United States, the Artemis program is called into question.

According to the latest debates between Republicans and Democrats in Congress, Joe Biden, in his program, has ” committed to continuing the major exploration programs initiated by NASA “. However, ” the 2024 calendar goal wanted by the Republicans could be pushed back” — 2028 being the date initially planned — mainly due to its estimated cost of $71 billion over the next 5 years. This would smooth its cost over a greater number of years.

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