The western link is delayed – business owners are upset: “Not the same pressure”

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The construction of the huge railway project Västlänken in Gothenburg looks set to be delayed. This after the Swedish Transport Administration broke the contract with the contractor responsible for the work in the Haga district last week.

The delay stirs up emotions among business owners near the construction site. Billy El-Achkars has had a hair salon in Haga for 25 years. He has noticed the consequences of the Västlänken since construction began four years ago:

– We have too few drop-in customers. As you can see, almost no one walks by.

Stands completely still

The entire west link project was supposed to be completed in 2026. But after several delays, the contractor claims that the Hagaetappen would not be completed until 2030.

Work on the Hagaetappen is now almost at a standstill. Billy El-Achkars continues to thrive thanks to his regular customers, but he worries about exactly how long the cranes and backhoes outside his salon will remain.

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