The week’s news in Skåne | SVT News

A 7-year-old girl is suspected of having been neglected and mistreated by her parents, including by poisoning her with vinegar.

The parents have now been detained, but the children and education administration received reports of concern about the family several months before.

In stores, the price of the eggs has been increased by one kroner each – but Mats Jönsson, egg producer in Smedstorp, only gets 17.5 öre more per egg compared to a year ago.

– We are in the red, he says.

When David Liljedal and his boyfriend told the free church in Malmö that they had become a couple, they were no longer allowed to lead the choir, stand on stage or hold Bible studies.

David Liljedal is not allowed to lead the church choir – because he is gay

Almost two years ago, a new, more efficient trap was put into use in Malmö. Since then, over 5,000 rats have been euthanized.

Traps prepared with chocolate kill Malmö’s rats
