The week’s news from Gävleborg | SVT News

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Three snacks from the election night in Gävleborg

SVT’s reporter explains: Here the political power can shift

• “People have lost faith in politicians” – low voter turnout in Håsta

Large differences between the districts

Anders W Jonsson (C) after Annie Lööf’s departure: “Sad”

Former deputy party chairman from Hedesunda: “Not relevant for me to succeed”

Convicted of shooting to death in Söder in Gävle District Court – now the men are acquitted by the Court of Appeal

Court of Appeal: Cannot exclude other perpetrators

Now everyone over 18 can book a top-up dose of covid-19 vaccine

“There are plenty of doses in Gävleborg”

Security chief changes his mind – seeks permission for security guards

Changes at the emergency room in Hudiksvall after SVT’s review

SD is increasing in all the county’s municipalities

Largest increase in Ovanåker

Suspected dangerous object was thrown into social services

Roadblocks in Gävle during Monday morning
