The weather at Valborg in 2023 – this is how the weather will be where you live

The weather at Valborg in 2023 this is how

Published: Less than 10 min ago

The Walborg weather can be trusted.

The forecast shows that it will be a semi-sad and occasionally rough weather story with little chance of glimpses of sunshine – this year again.

– Valborg brings classic April weather and changing weather patterns, says Max Schildt, meteorologist at SMHI.

The nice spring weather from last week has been blown away and the beginning of Walborg week has offered significantly lower temperatures and showers.

Nor is there expected to be any major lightening on the eve of the Walpurgis Fair.

– Walborg comes with classic April weather and changing weather patterns. The temperature looks like it will stay around zero degrees but can rise to around five to 10 degrees, says Max Schildt, meteorologist at SMHI.

full screen Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Snowfall of up to 10 centimeters

In southern Norrland, Svealand and Götaland, an umbrella may be preferable already on Saturday as there is a risk of rain showers and rain mixed with snow.

While a thick jacket might be fine in northern Norrland where you’re trying to shake off an area of ​​around 5 to 10 centimeters of snowfall that passes overnight into Saturday.

– Most precipitation is expected to fall in the form of rain mixed with snow in Västmanland and Dalarna. Here it can be good to be careful in traffic, especially if you have had time to change to summer tires on the car, says Hanna Winge, meteorologist at Klart.

full screen May bonfire Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Chance of sun in the student towns

When the bonfires are lit during the afternoon on Sunday, the area of ​​precipitation that has moved in over Svealand and southernmost Norrland is expected to have abated – but despite this, no sunny evening history is expected.

– We expect clear weather, which means that the temperature can drop quickly quite early in the evening and then it can get quite cold. Down towards minus degrees in any case, says Max Schildt.

In Götaland, on the other hand, the forecast offers good chances of sun and a temperature that is expected to last even during the evening. So also in the student cities of Uppsala and Lund, which according to tradition are expected to seethe with Walborg celebrations.

– Variable cloudiness is expected here, but with a greater chance of fine weather and sun, says Max Schildt.

In which parts of the country should you consider putting on a couple of extra pairs of long underwear in case you don’t want to freeze in front of the Walborg bonfire?

– It depends on how close you plan to stand by the fire, laughs Max Schildt.

He continues:

– Joking aside, the temperature is highest in southern Sweden, so maybe you can avoid that extra piece of clothing there.

full screen Photo: Hasse Holmberg / TT

“No peak temperatures” after the first of May

Furthermore, during the first of May, a repeat of Walborg’s unstable weather is expected.

– It may start with sunshine in the eastern parts of the country during the morning. But then the cloudiness increases and it will eventually draw some snow showers into the mountains, says Max Schildt.

Towards the evening, rain and snow are expected in the western parts of Götaland and Svealand.

– Unfortunately, no peak temperatures are expected later in the week. The weather will continue in this alternating between rain, snow showers and sometimes a little sun, says Max Schildt.

full screen Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT
