The warning signs that your child is newly recruited

More and more young people are being recruited into gangs and many parents are worried that their children will end up on the wrong side. But there are things you can do to reduce the risk of this happening. “The family is the first level of security,” says Erik Åkerlund, head of command for the special event Frigg in the Stockholm region.

The wave of violence sweeps through Sweden and children and young people are recruited on a conveyor belt. Both school and police agree that the family is of great importance in countering the new recruitments.

– It is important to be very close to your children and young people. So close is being inside and seeing who they spend time with, even in the technology-based reality that we also live in, says Erik Åkerlund.

The Commanding Officer believes that the most important thing as a parent is to create a safe environment for your children and be there to catch if something starts to go the wrong way.

– It is always the family that is the first level of security, he says.

“Recruitment can go very quickly”

Now the city of Stockholm has come out with what parents should pay attention to, the information has been produced by the county administrative board and the police. Peter Bragner, elementary school director Stockholm City hopes that their mailing will increase awareness among parents.

– Since this recruitment can go very quickly, it’s a bit too late sometimes once you’re there. You need to make the parents aware of this from the start. We see some, but parents may be the ones who discover it the fastest, he says.

The warning signs:

  • Changes attitude, hides things or starts lying

  • Begins to socialize with older youth or adults

  • Swish money or have more own money than before

  • Comes home with expensive things and clothes, gets another mobile phone

  • Have new values.

  • Today 08:07

    Parents are alerted to prevent new recruitment: “Can go fast”

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